Come join the new MIIS “Un” book club!
In an effort to continue the dialog started in the engaging in change workshop, a new “un” book club has organically formed through the chatter of yammer. The group has picked Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell as the first book to discuss.
So why is it an “un” book club?
While books are a great way to learn, they are in no way shape or form the only way to grasp a concept. This book club goes beyond the book and encourages everyone to use their own preferred medium to understand the ideas. Anything goes – video, podcasts, books, websites – just come ready to have a discussion about the main concepts presented in the book. Heck, you could even read a different book!
I’m in – how do I join!
We’re trying to schedule our first lunchtime meeting next week. Fill out your available times on our poll and Lynn McDonald will follow up with a personal email with the time and location. At this meeting we’ll discuss how we want to continue – figure out a good group name, meeting or not meeting schedule, food norms, and our main objective. If you can’t make our first meeting, updates will be posted on yammer.
See you next week!
Here’s a digested version of the book in audio format: (only 5 minutes!)