Please join us in welcoming Ms. Edy Rhodes to the Monterey Institute’s
Career Development Advising Team!
Edy Rhodes, new Career Development Officer for GSIPS, recently earned her
graduate degree from San Francisco State University (SFSU) in Career
Counseling where her intercultural focus was on East Asian international
students. She had two internships as part of her program, one as a
Graduate Advisor at SFSU Graduate Studies and the other as the Career
Counselor Intern at the Stanford Career Development Center, where she met
with graduate and undergraduates students and led a Career Development
Group for the spouses of international students. She has a BA in the
Creative Arts and loves to sing. She has worked in administration and
management in the private and non-profit sectors locally, on the East
Coast and in the Caribbean where she resided for 7 years. She is excited
about joining the GSIPS team and working with Monterey Institute students
on reaching their career development goals.
Edy’s office is located in McCone 218, and her extension is x4627. Please
feel free to stop by and introduce yourself!
(Thanks to Jen Hambleton for contributing this item.)