US Foreign Service Internship Program

“Experience” Hands-On Diplomacy as a U.S. Foreign Service Intern. Spend two summers in an experiential-learning program designed to expose undergraduate students to U.S. diplomacy and the work of the Department of State. Established in 2014, this merit and needs-based opportunity is available to undergraduate sophomore and junior students with a 3.2 GPA or higher, who are available to participate in two consecutive […]…Continue Reading US Foreign Service Internship Program

Consulting Events and Deadlines coming up

Check out all the great things going on if you are interested in consulting! Economic, management, strategy and life sciences work are all represented. This is my attempt to help you stay informed and knowledgeable about what is going on. It’s about to get busy, buckle up! Please read carefully and stay tuned for regular […]…Continue Reading Consulting Events and Deadlines coming up

Application is OPEN for Girls Who Invest 2023 Summer Programs!

As part of Girl’s Who Invest’s mission to increase the number of women leaders in the investment management industry, GWI welcome applications from sophomore students across all majors for this year’s Summer Intensive Program and Online Intensive Programs. First-year students are invited to apply for the Online Intensive Program.  Why Girls Who Invest? Free education on fundamental finance and investing […]…Continue Reading Application is OPEN for Girls Who Invest 2023 Summer Programs!