Massachusetts Green Careers Conference: Clean Energy & Environmental Sustainability
Careers. Clean Energy. Sustainability.
Delve into clean energy, sustainability, and career development for a day. Enjoy cross-sector dialogues with stakeholders from government, business, education, and nonprofits, and career-ready candidates. REGISTER EARLY to reserve a place! Mass Wildlife will provide conference space in their new, nature-friendly, LEED platinum headquarters this year. Parking and seating are limited to ~100. Food and beverage will be local and/or organic.
Thursday, October 5, 2017 at 8:30 AM in Westborough, MA
- Connect with stakeholders from business, education, government and nonprofits, green-career-ready candidates, and learners – all in one place.
- Engage in cross-sector dialogues
- Learn about current employment trends, best practices, opportunities
- Take home ideas, connections, resources
- Everyone interested in clean energy and environmental sustainability
- Green-career-ready candidates
- Education/Training: career services professionals, workforce development, staff, faculty, students
- Business: owners, representatives
- Government: state, local officials
- Nonprofits: administrators, members
- Diversity encouraged: race, age, gender, economics