(22 suggestions)
- When you need to check out a book, be polite. Duh.
- More free stuff!
- Have nameplates for library desk staff, encourage use of names.
- More bathing suits…
- Ball pit.
- Fix the tampon dispenser, for Christ’s sake! It’s been broken all year!
- Fewer boards like this for me to read as a source of procrastination…
- Better return your books on time!
- How about allowing us to write our comments directly onto the poster-might be able to save paper this way (encourage others to write small)
- Free t-shirts
- Porno viewing lab is a must
- The library is great, but public safety gives too many parking tickets. There are no places to park.
- Pay the helpdesk students more! (2)
- Blankets for student use!
- Cleaner ladies rooms!
- Keep this board-much more fun than online blog of similar function.
- Open Axinn (please)
- Don’t look at me!
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Please order more books on dance in Cuba. One suggestion is “First Position: a century of ballet artists” by Toba Singer, Praeger, 2007, isbn 0275983919. Thanks!
Thank you for your suggestion! We’ll check on that title and others on the topic.
If there are other works you’d like to request in the future, please try out our Purchase Request forms at “Suggest and Track a Purchase” http://www.middlebury.edu/academics/lis/help/requests_forms/library_forms/general_forms/purchase_request/.