Elizabeth Oyler

Elizabeth Oyler

14_14ALily (2015.5) is an English and Art History double major from Bethesda, Maryland who worked on a goat farm in France this spring and couldn’t imagine spending the summer without a goat or two.  She is incredibly excited to meet and work with members of the local agricultural and food educative communities, to reach a fuller understanding of the word “sustainable” and particularly its application to meat production and consumption, and to spend the season in our beautiful green mountain state.

Eliza Margolin

Eliza Margolin

1010187_10151496173293525_1382238529_nEliza is a rising senior feb (‘15.5) pursuing a major in Architecture & the Environment. She grew up in Somerville, MA, a city that has embraced local food, urban farming, and (especially) school gardens with open arms. She is looking forward to a summer of eating fresh food, enjoying good company, and getting plenty of dirt under her fingernails.

Ben Harris

Ben Harris

Harris FoodWorks PhotoAlthough he hails from Hanover, New Hampshire, Ben betrays his true allegiance when he begins each day with a shot of pure Vermont maple syrup in his coffee. A rising junior and environmental studies major at Middlebury, he will be working with Vermont Community Foundation (VCF) this summer as the inaugural Food and Farm Initiative intern. Ben looks forward to the challenge of creating compelling written and cinematic narratives about Vermont’s food system, which he hopes will help to publicize VCF’s mission. An unabashed foodie and aspiring mountain man, Ben spent last summer playing in the soil of Denver’s urban gardens, and he is excited that he once more has the opportunity to get his hands dirty. After a traumatic first encounter with spinach during childhood, he now takes after Popeye and uses leafy greens (especially kale chips) to power his outdoor adventures climbing, biking, and backpacking in the Green Mountains and beyond.

Anna Flinchbaugh

Anna Flinchbaugh


1005936_10203066368921328_1664665409_nOriginally hailing from the great state of Texas, Anna graduated this may with a joint degree in Environmental Studies and Sociology/Anthropology. Despite the accusations of cannibalism that it inexplicably inspires, she still feels that the “Love People. Cook them tasty food” bumper sticker on her computer does a pretty good job at summing up her motivation for getting involved with FoodWorks. Anna spends a lot of time making things and is very much hoping to make friends with all of you this summer!




June 3-7: Sustainability and Energy – VT

Key Terms and Topics: Sustainable Agriculture, closed-loop systems, composting

Discussion themes: VT Food Systems: Circle Model; Soils, Seeds & Transplants; Transportation Processing & Storage; Distribution, Retail, Table; Composting (and back to soil…)

Reading/Viewing: Rebuilding the Foodshed (RFS) by Philip Ackerman-Leist, Chapters 1-4



Fifth Day Event: Thursday, 6/6: Brattleboro: EDT 6am, Slow Living Summit, Frances Moore Lape’

Grafton Cheddar Tour; (Big Picture Farm Tour?) (Carbon Harvest?)

FW Talk: Sunday 6/2 3pm Professor Elder

Location: RAJ Conference

Followed by 4:30-6 pm Garden party


June 10-14: Ecology – VT

Key Terms and Topics: Exploration of sustainable agriculture, biodiversity

Discussion themes: Farming & garden models; community-based agriculture; climate change; importance of sustainability

Reading/Viewing:  RFS Ch. 5 & 8

Fifth Day: Wednesday, 6/12, Addison County, 9:30 am Elmer Farm; Monument & Scholten Farm. ACORN talk

FW Talk: 7:00-8:00 pm Monday, 6/10: Ecology with Justin Mog



June 17-21: Economy – VT

Key Terms and Topics: Farm-to-plate; local to national to global, Market values, public food philosophy

Discussion themes: Local food system, New Economy, Marketing; local dollars; labeling; economic development & innovation; expansion and efficiency

Reading/Viewing: RFS Ch. 9 & 10.

Optional: Ben Hewitt, The Town that food saved: http://benhewitt.net/

Fifth Day: Friday, 6/21, Hardwick Overnight? VT Soy, Jasper Hill biodigester, VT Food Venture Center, lunch @ Claire’s; Salvation Farms?

FW Talk: 10-11 am Friday, 6/21: Local Economy. Ivor Chodhowski, Owner Field Day Family Farm, Harvest Restaurant; Grasshoppers Distribution in Louisville.

Location: RAJ Conference Room

June 24-28: Safety – VT

Key Terms and Topics: Food Safety, Regulations, GMOs, Plastics, Pesticides…

Discussion themes: Local and sustainable meat production; processing, diets, and cultural biases

Reading/Viewing: Marion Nestle piece, http://www.centerforfoodsafety.org/

Fifth Day: Thursday, 6/27: Burlington area: UVM-The Necessary (r)Evolution for Sustainable Food Systems Summit 6pm SummerVale at the Intervale

FW Talk: Monday June 24th: Food Safety. Dinner/Discussion w/ Professor Kacy McKinney 7pm Weybridge