June 3-7: Sustainability and Energy – KY

Friday, June 7th

Big questions: What is the definition of sustainability?

What does a sustainable food system look like?

How do we sustainably interact with our food?

Sites visits: Bernheim Forest & Arboretum, University of Louisville

Guest Speaker: Claude Stephens, Brian Barnes

Reading: Chapters 1-4 of Rebuilding the FoodShed (RFS)- How to Create Local, Sustainable, and Secure Food Systems by Philip Ackerman-Leist

June 10-14: Ecology – KY

Monday, June 10th

Big questions: What is the true ecological impact of modern agriculture?

How do we feed 9 billion people in 2050 and still respect local ecosystems?

What does an agricultural system that respects nature look like?

How can we harness biomimicry to promote sustainable agriculture?

Site visit: Canoeing on the Ohio River

Guest speakers: David Wicks and Russ Barnett

Reading: RFS Chapters – 5 & 8


FW Talk 7-8pm– with Justin Mog

June 17-21: Local Economy – KY

Friday, June 21

FW Talk 10-11 am with Ivor Chodkowski and Monty Fischer

Big questions: What are the obstacles in creating a local food economy?

Where has there been success and why has it occurred there?

How does a local food economy benefit and harm members of the community?

Afternoon observations at various sites: Grasshoppers, The Root Cellar, Nord’s Bakery, Rainbow Blossom, Blue Dog Bakery

Reading: RFS Chapters 9 & 10. Opt:

Ben Hewitt, The Town that food saved: http://benhewitt.net/

June 24-28: Food Safety – KY

Thursday, June 27th

* Note: Deadline for submission of Individual Directed Investigation

Big questions: Should we trust our food?

What happens when trust fails?

Is our food safe for use to consume?

If we are what we eat, what are we?

Site visits: Louisville Metro Hall, hog processing plant, Clifton Community Garden

Guest Speaker: Mayor Greg Fischer, Health Professional TBA

Reading: Watch:  Marion Nestle piece: http://www.centerforfoodsafety.org/

Local Reading (optional): Consider the Lobster- David Foster Wallace

Watch:  http://www.whas11.com/news/iteam/Invesitgation-reveals-food-safety-concerns-police-working-to-crack-down-175849511.html




July 1-5: Food Policy, Security, and Creating a More Resilient Food System – KY

Tuesday, July 2

Big questions: What does it mean to be “food secure”?

In a world of global interdependence, how can our food security be threatened?

How do we create a more resilient food system?

How can we encourage the creation of food secure households?

Site visits: Dare to Care Food Bank, New Roots

Guest Speaker: Stan Siegwald, Karyn Moskowitz

Reading: RFS Chapter 6

Local Reading (required): The State of Food: A Snapshot of Food Access in Louisville

FW Talk – 2-4 pm with Chuck Ross and Theresa Zawacki 



July 15-19: Equity – KY

Monday, July 15

Big questions: What is the definition of “food equity?”

What are the populations that suffer from food inequality and how is it manifested?

What are the long term consequences and impacts of food inequality?

Site visit: People’s Garden

Guest Speaker:  Valerie Magnuson

Reading: RFS Chapters 7

Watch: Food + Justice = Democracy: LaDonna Redmond at TEDx Manhattan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydZfSuz-Hu8

Local: Fat City– Louisville Magazine

FW Talk 7-8 pm – Equity & Diversity with Attica Scott