During a rare moment of calm today, I found my brain wandering off campus and imagining my life in the future. This was vaguely stressful, because I still don’t have a job. But let’s not focus on that.
I tried to think about life, about what I would be doing and thinking outside of work. And I realized that there are some pretty important questions I’ve never had to ask before. For example:
- Where will I live?
- Can Craigslist roommates be trusted, or should I look for a Middkid?
- How will I handle a long commute?
- Should I take the train, or lease a car?
- How much should I budget for food each month?
- What if my computer dies?
- Do I need to buy health insurance?
- What the !@#% is a 401k?
- How will I find new friends?
- Taxes??!?
I felt myself slipping into yet another post-spring-break panic attack. What am I doing!? I’ve never had to establish an entire life for myself. I can talk with my own network about some of these questions — my family, friends, recent Midd grads — but Middlebury also provides resources to help students survive the next big transition.
Jaimie recently posted about the panel that Career Services is holding in BiHall 220 on April 5th. The seven panelists include recent grads and local professionals, all of whom have made this transition and helped people through it before. I hope I’ll see some of you there!