Author Archives: Audrey Martino

8 things College Seniors can do NOW to prep for the job search later

Here are a few tips that suggested for college seniors in order to start laying out the groundwork for your first career steps:

  1. Clean up your online image -Those tweets, blogs, facebook pictures can give you an online reputation!
  2. Hang out at Career Services – Come chat with our counselors at Adirondack House. Look for updates on go/cso and go/mojo
  3. Do not use a “cookie cutter” resume – Stand out! Do not copy resume and cover letter templates!
  4. Get the 411 from the employer – Gear your resume to the employer, be specific!
  5. Ask for references now – Don’t wait on this one!
  6. Play the Kevin Bacon game -Six degrees of separation! Talk, ask, network! Don’t be shy!
  7. Internships = Opportunities – Internships have been proven to lead to experience AND higher salaries!
  8. Create a virtual version of you – Include your resume, references, writing samples, video clips and any other relevant materials

Check out the full article by Robert DiGiacomo on!


(Re)Create your job

“You can’t just say, ‘I have a college degree, I have a right to a job, now someone else should figure out how to hire and train me.’ ” (Reid Garrett Hoffman, The Start-Up of You). Unfortunately, it’s not that easy in today’s job market as New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman’s article highlights. Along with your excellent Bachelors Degree and your unique experiences, you are also required creativity and ability to (re)invent yourself, something perhaps a little more subtle and beyond traditional academia. Think as entrepreneur, not “just” as a job seeker!

Read New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman’s article “The Start-Up of You” at:

Economy Affecting College Graduates?

Dear Soon To Be College Graduates,

The ongoing recession has taken its toll on upcoming job opportunities as well, and companies are not as inclined to hire as they used to be.

Here are a few pointers to help you compensate for these “recessionary changes”:

Network, network, network! – it still pays (literally as well!) to  know someone high up in a company you are interested in.

Do not overlook internships! Even though they may not be the best source of financial income, they are a great way to get your foot in the door of a company you would like to work with.

Grades do matter– so don’t slack!

Last but not least, patience is a definite requirement.  Hard work and proactive job seekers will be successful during these times that require more endurance.


 Source: Economy Affecting College Graduates? Jobs 4 Grads Now.


State Street: Info Session and Alumni Career Profile

Save the date!

State Street Info Session – October 5th, 7:00 p.m. MBH 104

Alumni Career Profile Questions – Jack Klinck from State Street

Current job title: Executive Vice President, Management Committee Member

Class year: 1985

Major: Political Science


Where did your interest come from to work in this career?

It developed slowly but largely originated with an internship at American Express. I never thought I would be a banker and turned down these offers when I graduated in favor of a job in advertising.


What are typical entry level positions in your field and what does a career path look like?

There are several entry level positions from accounting to marketing to finance. Some stay indefinitely, but some may seek an MBA along the way.


How did you find the current position you have?

I was recruited by the CEO.


How are you using your Middlebury degree?

Every day it helps me to analyze and solve problems, ask tough questions and communicate.


What experience should a college student obtain to be marketable?

On-the-job training and internships.


What skills do you think a person needs to be successful in your position?

Critical thinking, excellent written and verbal communication, deep understanding of the global economy, and overseas assignments.


What do you like best/least about your work?

Best is working with a talented team, leading during a crisis, helping clients grow their businesses.

Least is the political/regulatory uncertainty affecting our industry.


 What does an average day or week look like for you?

There is no such thing. Every day is a different experience.


What books, web sites, or other resources should students take advantage of now to learn about the field?

The best resource is to talk to people in the industry. A dialogue is far more valuable than a website.


What do you think is the next step in your career plan?

Hopefully, up!!

Senior Meeting – Save the Date!

Class of 2012 Seniors,


Your Senior Meeting will be on Tuesday, September 20th.

Attend one of the following sessions in Dana auditorium:

12:30, 4:30 or 6pm

Your attendance is required to participate in Middlebury’s recruiting program.

For more information about your coming senior year experience go here


Meanwhile, have a great summer; we’ll see you in September!