A clever student at the Senior Meeting yesterday asked this good question during the new Q&A portion at the end. We emphasized so heavily many of the good things to keep in mind, by turning around the question it really made me and my colleagues think.
I commented that closing doors and not being curious was something to stay away from. In lots of my advising with students, I hear that opportunities like jobs on MOJO don’t get many applicants because the name of the company or title of the job is not attractive or name brand. I’m encouraging you to keep an open mind and go through this process of post grad planning with a mindset of exploration. If an employer is coming to campus, and it’s 6 pm on a Tuesday night and you have nothing else going on, stop by the info session and listen in. You might learn something, even if you never apply. If you find yourself walking by ADK next week or month and thinking, “Hey, I remember that presentation they gave”, then walk up the few steps, open the door and walk in. See what it’s like inside, you might be surprised, we’re happy to see you!
For anyone who missed the meeting, stay tuned for a link to a video online next week you can watch. If you did make one of the sessions, we’d love your feedback on this survey: http://middlebury.keysurvey2.com/f/456105/5333/