Peace out forever or at least until september
So as I said in my blog post from Monday, this week is my last week as an admissions summer intern and I have to make it worthwhile. I did this in several ways these past few days. I went shopping in town, learned how to open a can without a can opener, and I packed for my move tomorrow. The summer interns also discovered that we are probably the most dysfunctional group of people when it comes to taking a jumping photo. I’d say the most important goodbye of the summer is to 82 adirondack view (aka Mumbas aka the hockey house). Originally, I was supposed to live in Starr (fifth floor. no elevator) for the entire summer, but because of construction I was moved to 82 adirondack. This house sits right where they are planning on building the ridgeline townhouses, so it was set to be demolished at the beginning of the summer. My roommate and I, as well as the other residents of the house, ruined that plan. Last week I moved out so I wasn’t demolished with the house and decided to take a final picture.
As I start to say goodbye to summer I want everyone to give a special shout-out to the house that definitely deserves to be demolished but still served me well. Also bye bye admissions.
just kidding see you in september!