I am an adult!


The dining halls are closed. Until August 30th or 31st. I enjoy cooking but have never actually had to fend for myself when it comes to food. So naturally, I went wild in the grocery store. And by wild I mean I made an excel spreadsheet of what I will eat and when. Then I bribed friends into taking me to the store (this whole no more car thing is a struggle).

Photo 1 (11)

slightly blurry picture of my pasta- I promise it was amazing

I’m  thrilled to cook, but there is one large problem : kitchens. My dorm has one kitchen, so does the other summer employee dorm. That’s not going to go well given the number of people here. My off campus friends do not know this but I will use their kitchens all week. I plan on reimbursing them with food. Last night I cooked in Weybridge house and fed my friend who works there and a girl who traveled all day. It was delicious (pasta with homemade sauce & lots of cheese). I think I might survive this week just fine.

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