adventure weekend roundup
This weekend I fell asleep in a car twice. Which means 1)I went on some pretty fun adventures and 2) I need to sleep more
The adventures started Thursday when a friend and I hiked sunset ledge. It was an easy 2 mile hike on part of the Long Trail, and the views were unbelievable. The picture doesn’t do it justice but I tried. This was the first time I fell asleep in the car.
Friday a bunch of friends and I made dinner (tabouli, watermelon & feta salad, potatos, roasted corn) then some of us went to a house in Leicester (15 minutes away). That house had a tree inside. I didnt know I needed that in my life unitl now. We swam in Fern Lake and looked at the stars. I fell asleep in the car on the way back.
Saturday I ran and sat a bunch afterwards. I let myself into my friends house to eat leftover tabouli (she was out berry picking) and watched two movies. Very relaxing.
Sunday I had to drive a friend to Burlington so we made an adventure out of the day. We got brunch at 3 squares cafe in Vergennes (mushroom truffle scrambled eggs 10/10) then wandered Burlington. We all got our ears pierced impulsively. I keep accidentally touching it, which hurts, but I think I look cool.