Park Squeeze


Yesterday after work, my friends and I decided that we were going to treat ourselves to dinner. So after a quick workout at the gym, we all went back to shower and then get ready. We don’t get to wear dresses often (only on Formal Fridays really) so we saw this as a great chance to dress up a little. After finding a spider in the shower I was glad to get out of my house and head up to Vergennes for dinner. Unfortunately I have no pictures because I forgot to charge my phone. BUT dinner was great and it was very nice to get off campus for a bit. The radio station on the way back was even playing the best songs from the 2000’s (my middle school era) and we jammed out on our way to campus. Dinner at Park Squeeze in Vergennes was a nice end to a long week. 🙂

I almost forgot. I WENT TO COOKIE LOVE FOR THE FIRST TIME. The woman behind the counter seemed a little weirded out by me asking if they could microwave my cookie, but I think she was the weird one because who doesn’t like warm cookies and milk? Cookies are my favorite meal and other than the one trillion mosquitoes that were everywhere my dessert was amazing.


PS. 13 Days until Taylor Swift

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