So, I’m actually reporting from out of the office today. I, with three other Midd students, am currently in Washington, D.C. at a national conference for Planned Parenthood Generation Action as members of an on-campus activism group. Despite having little background in the realm of political science, I was able to spend all day in the Capitol and the surrounding buildings visiting offices of senators and congressmen (three of whom represent Vermont!). I learned firsthand how to lobby, advocating for bills relating to women’s health, some of which directly affect college campuses. Best part of the day by far was when we were leaving Senator Sanders’ office after a meeting with his staffers, and we ran into him! He spoke of his appreciation for the work we were doing and how important that work is.
And later, in Congressman Welsh’s office, the staffer we spoke with was a Midd grad, class of ’14! Definitely an awesome experience to see the work Middlebury College students end up doing after graduation…and the work you get to experience before graduating too.