Dear Noel and other interested students,
Following the conversation in this conference, it seems that some clarification is in order.
1. The MBA degree will continue.
2. The reorganization does not put the AACSB accreditation in jeopardy. We have already had preliminary conversations with AACSB, have notified them of our upcoming merger with Middlebury, and have started proceedings to request a substantive change that would officially transfer accreditation to Middlebury upon the completion of the merger in 2010. AACSB personnel have expressed an eagerness to work with us, as they, like we, are interested in the outcome of a rigorous and vital business program.
3. Current students will have the same curriculum, the same degree, and the same accreditation.
4. The two school model of administrative organization does not preclude any program being appropriately distinguished by specific admissions requirements or degree requirements, or the engagement of appropriately qualified faculty in curricular decision making. Nor does it preclude program-specific data collection, resource allocation, or tracking of expenditures.
5. Attached aacsb_standards are the AACSB accreditation standards, for those who are Interested. They are focused on program quality, not administrative structure. As they state, “The administrative structure within which the programs are offered is at the discretion of the institution. While no particular administrative structure is mandated, the organizational structure and procedures must foster strategic management and continuous improvement.”
I hope you will bring your concerns to the student Town Hall meeting on September 25, and that you will engage with us in planning to strengthen the curriculum, and expand and deepen our services to students.
Clara Yu