RISE Summer Research Internships in Germany; Deadline Dec. 15

RISE stands for Research Internships in Science and Engineering. RISE Germany offers undergraduate students from North American, British and Irish universities the opportunity to complete a summer research internship at top German universities and research institutions.

  • Students are matched with a host university or institute according to their area of interest (biology, chemistry, physics, earth sciences, engineering, or a closely related field)
  • DAAD provides students a monthly stipend for three months to help cover living expenses
  • Host universities, universities of applied sciences (UAS) and institutes provide housing assistance and match students with Ph.D. student mentors or researchers (only UAS)
  • German language is not required and the working language will be in English

See https://www.daad.de/rise/en/rise-germany/ for more information and application instructions.

NYU’s Root-Tilden-Kern Scholarship for Public Interest Law

The Root-Tilden-Kern (RTK) Scholarship Program provides full-tuition scholarships to NYU Law School for students seeking to work in public interest law. The program seeks to provide funding, support, and community to a diverse group of students, including those who otherwise would not have the opportunity to pursue a public interest legal career. For more information, see https://www.law.nyu.edu/financialaid/jdscholarships/rootscholarship

CLS Webinars for Applicants

For students interested in applying to the Critical Language Scholarship Program (CLS) for summer 2021, check out the resources below. Application deadline is Nov. 17, 2020 at 8pm EST.

Foreign Affairs IT Fellowship Webinar on Sept. 24–Register Now!

Applications for the Foreign Affairs IT Fellowship 2021 program are now being accepted. See https://www.faitfellowship.org/ .The FAIT Fellowship, funded by the United States Department of State, provides undergraduate and graduate students in IT-related fields with tuition assistance, as well as mentorship and professional development, to launch their careers in the Foreign Service as Information Management Specialists.

To learn more, register for the webinar, Applying for the Foreign Affairs IT Fellowship: Benefits, Eligibility and Tips, on Thursday September 24, 2-3 p.m. EDT.

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear directly from the Department of State and TWC. You’ll get a chance to ask your questions live during the webinar. If you aren’t able to attend live, this webinar will be recorded and provided on-demand.

PPIA Junior Summer Institute Application Deadline Is Nov 15

The application for 2021 PPIA Junior Summer Institute Application is now open and due on November 15, 2020. The application can be found online at https://jsiawards.ppiaprogram.org/.

The PPIA Fellowship Program prepares students to pursue Masters’ or joint degrees, typically in public policy, public administration, international affairs, or a related field. The organization does this through the intensive study provided by participation in a Junior Summer Institute (JSI), through partnerships with universities across the country, and through an alumni network that provides opportunities to connect with nearly 4000 individuals who share the same interest in public service.

Each year, PPIA seeks out high-potential undergraduate students from universities across the country to participate in an intensive seven-week Junior Summer Institute (JSI) before their senior year. During their program, fellows are equipped with the knowledge and skills they will need to succeed in graduate school and ultimately, in influential roles serving the public good.

Once a student has completed their JSI, they join an alumni network of leaders. In addition to the opportunities that this network provides for mentoring and career development, our alumni network has the opportunity to receive financial support for their graduate school education if they attend one of the programs in our Graduate School Consortium.

Learn more about the program and application:

JSI Overview and Host Sites
JSI Eligibility and Benefits
Application Requirements
Frequently Asked Questions