Category Archives: Locations

Rana for First-Year Senator

As told by Rana Abdelhamid (NYMP13).

My name is Rana Abdelhamid and I am running for First Year Senator for the class of 2015. Ever since I arrived on campus I have been inspired by all the extraordinary work that Middlebury students are doing on campus and that has pushed me to pursue my own passion in leadership [positions] as well. [Back] In New York City, I was involved in a lot of leadership roles, from student government to just being an older sister. Now as a student at Middlebury College, I would like to take on a new role as the voice for my class. I believe that the concerns of the class should be addressed which is why my campaign involves listening to students’ concerns and addressing them into my platforms. (This is why my fliers contain direct quotes from students about problems that they want to address.) As a First Year Senator I will continue to listen to the voices of my peers and ensure that they are brought to the table. I am also a part of Middlebury Posse 13 and the Posse community at Middlebury has really empowered me for this position through all of the support that they have to offer. Don’t forget to vote!

Elections are being held TODAY (Monday, October 10th, 2011)

Look for the e-mail from the SGA.

UPDATE: Congratulations To Rana! We wish you the best of luck and can’t wait to hear about your great work on the SGA.

Feet On the Ground

As told by Philip Williams (NYMP13)

“To be honest, my experience at Middlebury so far encompasses a lot. All in all I love my time here. Middlebury is everything that I expected it to be and more than I could have hoped for. Are classes kicking my ass? Yes, and they are doing a thorough job of it but that is part of the thrill. I have work that I am interested in and my professors are all quite competent and intelligent.


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Seeking Advice and Following It

As told by Lance Charles Sun (NYMP9)

Life takes us on all sorts of unexpected paths and nobody could attest for this better than Sienna Chambers.  Sienna, a member of the Middlebury College class of 2007 and New York Middlebury Posse 5, has recently just started her first year as a New York City Teaching Fellow.

After nearly four years of working in commercial real estate, Sienna is now an English teacher at Mott Hall V, a public high school in the Bronx. “My last day of work was actually on April 1st and my co-workers made a big joke about it.” Not one to waste any time, Sienna dove right in and partook in the spring immersion program before regular corps training began in the summer. She spent 10 weeks observing in a special education English classroom before taking on the same position in the Fall when the teacher she observed left the school. Continue reading

La Vida Madrileña: An Identity Constructed

As Told by Carlos M. Beato (NYMP5)

“It was over five years ago when I first embarked on a study abroad journey that would change my life forever. While I matured in the most basic of aspects, I also had to learn how to deal with the issues of race, socio-economic status and culture.

In a country that claims to be so [civilly] advanced, the division of race and class in Spain was one that caught my attention. I found out in the very beginning that my not being white would not only affect where I could live but I was often granted access to certain neighborhoods only when I mentioned that I was an American student from the United States. Never in my life have I felt that I was not wanted and it was through this experience of searching for a “piso” in Spain that made these feelings a reality.  While it helped that I spoke Spanish well over the phone, it was not until I visited many of these potential living spaces that I experienced firsthand the Spaniard’s actual reactions to my darker skin color. Nevertheless, this experience prepared me for other similar situations [during my time in Spain] that would eventually warrant me to question my identity. Continue reading

Snapshot of 9/11/2001: Angelika Ferguson

“Can you still recall the moment when you first found out what had happened? Where were you? Who were you with? What did you think?”

“On 9/11, I was a freshman in high school in the Chelsea section of Manhattan. I was in my advisory (homeroom) and we were discussing a Core Value that someone had picked at random. It was Peace. As we were starting to discuss this value, someone from my advisory came in and said that he heard on the office radio that a plane had just hit the World Trade Center. I recall that I laughed a bit because I couldn’t believe that plane would hit the tower while at the same time nervous. I didn’t see how severe the damage was until I saw a television showing it in my school’s lounge.”
Angelika (MP7)