Category Archives: Locations

[Stickied] A Note From the Editors: Trusting the Process

As told by Lance Charles Sun (NYMP9), on behalf of himself and Shipnia Bytyqi (NYMP10)

Middlebury Student in Barcelona

Lance in Barcelona, Spain

So last night I had to give a speech on behalf of the Posse at Middlebury Blog in front of educators, donors and politicians.  My job there was to convey the missions of the blog, give a reading from selected posts and reinforce the importance of the Posse Foundation program in higher education institutions. I would be lying if I said that I was anything but a wreck. As I approached the podium, clutching articles that I had printed out just minutes before, I realized that I had forgotten to actually go through all the articles among the chaos and pick out what I wanted to read. “Aww heck,” I said in my head. Here I was, a representative and co-editor no less, standing in front of a roomful of some of the most important people that could make or break the program with nothing to show. I started to sweat profusely under the spotlight, both metaphorically and physically. My heart raced. My throat dried up. The papers spilled on the floor in my nervousness. And then, I woke up. (This dream actually did happen by the way.)

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Black Pearl Ball: A Night of Elegance and Traditions

As narrated by Christine Valentin (NYMP10) with direct commentaries from Athenia Rodney (NYMP2).

MPNY10 at the Middlebury College Black Pearl Ball 2010For many students on the Middlebury College campus, the Black Pearl Ball is one of the most buzz-worthy events of the entire year. For those who have no idea of the Black Pearl Ball, it is a campus-wide dance hosted by the Middlebury student organization, Women of Color, that takes place during Homecoming Weekend. The event is attended by not only current Middlebury students but alumni as well. So how did the Black Pearl Ball, which in the recent years has also served as an alternative option to the Homecoming Formal itself, even came to be?

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La Vida Madrileña: Finding Home

As told by Alana Jenkins (NYMP10)

From JFK to Madrid!

And so it happened, Las Chicas were finally in España.  Las Chicas, of course, are Shipnia and myself; it’s a name we affectionately acquired while at Middlebury from our long-time Middlebury professor, Irina Feldman.  The title was appropriate enough because Shipnia and I had started our Spanish language and culture immersion together at Middlebury. The two of us vowed over chocolate milk in the Ross dining hall that “neither of us could change our mind about going abroad without the other [during our junior of college].” So with the clank of our glasses, Las Chicas had begun the journey that would one day place us right in the heart of Spain – Madrid.

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When China Met Russia

As told by Karen Liu (NYMP13)

Ni hao ma? [How are you?]” my Posse older sibling greets me in Mandarin Chinese.

Norminah! [Alright!]” I would respond in Russian. “Kak dela? [How are you?]

Wo hen hao. [I’m well],” replies Luis, a fourth-year Posse scholar, in Chinese again.

The conversation would then follow with Luis asking a clarifying question about Chinese grammar while I ask him how to translate a phrase from English to Russian. Once we have exchanged our mini-language lessons, we would hug, say goodbye in Russian/Chinese and then depart for our respective classes. [While these encounters were frequent,] Our language exchanges also often extend beyond the minute-long mini-lessons.

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Passing the Community Council Torch

Edited by Lance Charles Sun (MPNY9)

Posse scholars, regardless of where they come from (whether it is New York City, Boston, D.C., Atlanta, Miami, Chicago, Los Angeles or New Orleans) are all chosen for their commitment and dedications to their community back home. So it should come as no surprise that Posse Scholars and the Middlebury Community Council have developed a long and faithful history together. Inspired by Dean Collado’s post this week, Walking the Walk, we decided to speak with two Middlebury Posse alumni on their experiences serving on the Community Council.

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