The Quality Improvement Research Analyst is responsible for overseeing all activities specific to the following programs:

  • Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP)
  • Collaborative Endocrine Surgery Quality Improvement Program (CESQIP)
  • Vascular Quality Initiative (VQI)

The chief responsibility is to collect and submit reliable data to the MBSAQIP (American College of Surgeons), CESQIP (Society for Endocrine Surgeons), and VQI programs (Society for Vascular Surgeons). This is accomplished through high-quality clinical screening, data compilation, documentation, and entry of data into the applicable databases for all eligible surgeries at The Mount Sinai Medical Center. The Analyst also works closely with the members of the Department of Surgery to identify opportunities for clinical quality improvement and other initiatives, as identified.

Learn more about the position in Handshake. Deadline 4/29.