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Ukrainian animation

In my previous post, I was talking about the mysterious and crude Ukrainian cinema. This time, I decided to give you a short insight into the history of Ukrainian animation.  Animation as a separate art appeared in Ukraine in the early 20-s. The first animators draw substantial inspiration from folk culture. No surprise that the […]


Lessons I Learned the Hard Way at FMMC…

It’s my last semester here at Middlebury and looking back on it all, I’ve had a lot of fun. I learned a lot in the FMMC department, but much of it I learned by failing spectacularly. I’m talking corrupted files, lost locations, getting threatened with trespassing for using other locations, actors who didn’t show, etc. […]


Tips for working on set!

Film production had always been the most intimidating part of the film studies for me until I realized that you don’t have to do it alone. Collaboration and teamwork are at the heart of filmmaking and you should absolutely take advantage of Middlebury’s close-knitted network to assemble your crew of creative collaborators. Here’re some tips […]