September 2013

1960s-gifsixtiesatfifty_1September 10

Introduction to the Seminar and clarification of key words

What, Where, Who, How, Why

September 12

Tariq Ali.  “The Year that Changed the World.” Sydney Morning Herald (January 5, 2008).  ER.

Martin Jay. “Scopic Regimes of Modernity.”  In Vision and Visuality, edited by Hal Foster (New York: Bay Press, 1988), 3-23.  ER.

Supplementary Material:

Fidel Castro.  “Words to the Intellectuals.”

Fredric Jameson et al.  “A Very Partial Chronology.”  Social Text 9/10 (1984): 210-215.  ER.


September 17

Prompt: Please bring two images to the class which to your mind are emblematic of the 60s.  Apart from showing the images, we expect each of you to share with us what is resonant about the image and what aspects of the 60s it encapsulates.  If at all possible think globally.

Henry Lefebvre.  “The Right to the City.”  In Writings on Cities: Henry Lefebvre, selected and translated by Eleonore Kofman and Elizabeth Lebas (London: Blackwell, 1996), 147-159.  ER.

Fredric Jameson.  “Periodizing the 60s.” Social Text 9/10 (1984): 178-209.  ER.  Skim this text; it is very dense.  Focus on the first couple of pages of each of these sections: 1, 5 and 6. 

Supplementary Readings:

Judit Bodnar.  “What’s Left of the Right to the City?” In The Long-68: Revisions and New Perspectives, edited by Daniel Sherman et al (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2013), 73-90.  ER.







September 19

Frantz Fanon.  “On National Culture.”  In The Wretched of the Earth.

James Ferguson.  “Invisible Humanism: An African 1968 and Its Aftermaths.”  In The Long-68: Revisions and New Perspectives, edited by Daniel Sherman et al (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2013), 120-138.  ER.

Supplementary Reading:

Steven Pierce.  “Africa and 1968: Depression, Libidinal Politics, and the Problem of Global Interpretation.”  In Gender and Sexuality in 1968: Transformative Politics in the Cultural I (New York: Palgrave McMillan, 2009), 131-142.  (This is a chapter in an e-book available through our library.  You can also access it through ER).

September 24

Aime Cesaire.  “Negritude, Africa and Black History.”  ER.

Aime Cesaire.  “Return to My Native Land.”  ER.

September 26

Bernard Gendron.  “Foucault’s 1968.”  In The Long 1968.  The book is available through our library as an electronic document.  Read chapter 1 on Foucault 1968.

History is Made at Night: Foucault on Tunisia.”


naoshima yayoi kusama






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