Are YOU interested in continuing or starting a new student club??

Follow these easy steps…

1)       REVIEW the Club Policies and Procedures Guide (this can be found on the Student Services website:

2)  SIGN UP to participate in the Club Activities Fair on Sept. 10th 12—2 p.m. This is your chance to recruit new members!

3)  COMPLETE a club application and send via email to Student Affairs on or before Sept. 24th (also found on the Student Services website)

4)  Have at least 1 club officer ATTEND the  Mandatory Club Meeting on Thurs, Sept 24th, from 12—2 in room B104.  You must do this in order to be a recognized Club and to receive Council funding $$

5)  The primary club contact will be NOTIFIED by email after Sept. 24th to confirm approval status of the club.

The Fall 2009 Club Activities Fair on Thursday, September 10th from 12:00 p.m. — 2:00 p.m. on the Samson Student Center Patio

 **To reserve a table at the Fair, please stop by or email ( the Student Affairs Office no later than  Wednesday, September 9th.

This is a great opportunity to advertise for your club, recruit new members, and join other clubs!

Materials are available for making posters in the Student Activity Room (basement of Morse). Please remember to clean up your mess— thanks!

Any questions???  Contact the Student Services Office at

Flyers: How to start a club flyer

Where in the world is?

As many of you know, a series of office moves occurred over the summer, to concentrate the majority of faculty in McCone, the IIRC, and/or Casa Fuente.  

Please see this series of maps for the McCone and IIRC buildings and portions of Casa Fuente and McGowan that show where faculty and staff affected by the move are now located. 

In some cases, entire departments were moved, such as the Intensive & Custom Language Programs (main office now located in Suite 103 of the McGowan Building) and the Advancement Office (now located in Suite 300 of the McGowan Building).

Please note that staff in many other buildings on campus were not affected by the moves and as a result, are not included in the attached document.

Barbara Burke
Executive Assistant to the President

Tryout for the MIIS Futbol Team!

Please see this flyer


for more information about how you can tryout for the MIIS Futbol Team.  Tryouts for the Fall 2009 Team are on Saturday and Sunday (8/29 and 8/30) at 12:00-2:00 pm and Thursday (9/3) at 12:00- 2:00 pm.  Meet in front of the MIIS library 15 minutes before schedules try out for rides to field.

If you have any questions, please contact Joseph Button at

FirstClass Email Service Going Offline September 15th, 2009

FirstClass Email Service Going Offline September 15th, 2009

Message traffic to and from FirstClass will permanently cease on Sept 15.

After that time, all traffic will route directly to our Microsoft
Exchange email service. All current students and active employees have
Exchange accounts on this new service. If you see this message you are logged
into the FirstClass server. If you haven’t switched to the new service,


Instructions to make the conversion are located at

You must have your Banner ID# to activate your new Exchange account.
Banner is our new campus database system; ID#’s typically begin with two
leading zeros (00123456). This is the same number that employees and work-
study students use to access their time sheets and other information provided
on Bannerweb. Students can get their ID# from the Records Office, 831-647-4121; employees can get their Banner ID# from HR, 831-647-3520.

The Monterey Institute Help Desk, 831-647-6656, is available to answer any
questions regarding this conversion.

Help Desk
Information Technology Services

AFS Sending Coordinator Position

Message from AFS Volunteer Roy Michaels:

Attached you will find the Sending Coordinator position which the AFS Steinbeck Coast currently has open. The job can be shared by two individuals which has been done in the past. Sometimes sharing a role can make the experience more enjoyable. I had the Sending Coordinator position for several years and I’d be more than willing to meet with a grad student or employee at MIIS to help with any questions and training.

Each year AFS has a training gathering and invites coordinators from throughout the United States to attend. In past years we’ve met in Portland, OR, Chicago, IL.,  St. Louis, MO, and Baltimore, MD. AFS pays all expenses to attend. 



Roy Michaels, AFS Volunteer
831-783-1747 office
831-422-9176 home 

Attachment: at_sending_coordinator1-2009-10

MIIS Graduation Party

MIIS Graduation Party
: May 14th
Time: 8pm-2pm
Location: Indian Summer
Description: Finals, semesters and MIIS are over for many. Let it all go with
a bang, MIIS graduation party will heal all.
Who to contact: Rafael Burgos, AddiRose Matthews, Kellen Tardaewether via First Class

New Email Accounts Available For Students

All MIIS Students,Exchange email accounts are now available to all students registered for the Spring 2009 semester.

You will soon receive an email, through your FirstClass account, from the MIIS Helpdesk containing your new Banner ID and activation instructions.

You may begin using your account immediately following activation. Please activate your new Exchange email account for use over the summer months so that you do not experience downtime in email service when you return to school this fall.

Students should begin using their Exchange accounts over the summer and should only use the new Exchange (Outlook Web) directory to look up faculty email addresses.

These new Exchange email accounts will replace the current FirstClass email accounts, which will become inactive September 15th, 2009. After this date, you will still be able to access FirstClass and retrieve archived messages, but no new outside mail will be delivered to FirstClass.

After September 15th, all email sent to your address (FirstClass) will be delivered directly to your Exchange email account.

You should temporarily set up forwarding on your FirstClass email account to your new Exchange account, so that you can receive mail from both and using your Exchange account during the summer.

Students graduating this spring will continue to have access to their new Exchange email accounts for a period of 6 months, which matches Middlebury’s retention policy for graduating students. — If you have any questions once you receive your Banner ID, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 831-647-6512 or by email at [ ]

John Grunder
Director, Information Technology Services Monterey Institute of International Studies


Upcoming Spring Commencement/Inauguration

Dear Members of the MIIS Community:

We are now just three weeks from one of the most exciting times of the year –
commencement.  This event represents the culmination of years of work and
study for hundreds of our students, and is a chance for family members and
guests to celebrate with us this momentous time in our students’ lives.

This year’s spring commencement will include all of the customary celebrations
– the garden party reception on Friday, May 15, the commencement ceremony
itself on Saturday, May 16, and the commencement reception afterwards.  In
addition, the commencement ceremony will include my formal inauguration as
president of the Institute.

The decision to join the two events offers a wonderful opportunity to showcase
the amazing work our students and faculty are doing both locally and around
the globe for a wide audience encompassing the campus community, our
Board of Trustees, and our friends and supporters.  The day before
commencement, on May 15 from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm, we will convene an
inaugural symposium titled “Being The Solution: Building Leadership From
Monterey To Mumbai,” which will feature sessions and stations spotlighting a
variety of student and faculty projects, accomplishments, and disciplines.  In
that way, the symposium will provide rich context for family members and
guests in particular to understand the scope and significance of our graduating
students’ achievements.  All MIIS community members – students, family
members and guests, alumni, faculty and staff — are invited to attend the

The schedule of events for May 15-16 is as follows:

Friday, May 15

1:00 pm – 5:00 pm   Inauguration Symposium
Irvine Auditorium
(Agenda: commencement-inauguration-symposium-agenda)

5:00 pm – 7:00 pm   Graduation Garden Party
Holland Center Courtyard
Saturday, May 16

1:00 pm – 3:30 pm   Commencement and Inauguration
Colton Hall Lawn

3:30 pm – 5:30 pm   Commencement Reception
Samson Student Center

I look forward to sharing with you two days of celebration of the Institute, our
important mission, and the students who are our reason for being here.

Best regards,

Volunteer for the Recruitment Office Phonathon and get FREE FOOD!

The Recruitment Office is running a phonathon to call prospective students  this coming Tuesday April 21st and we need your help! 

A pizza dinner and refreshments will be provided for all volunteers.  PLUS you  will receive either a Jamba Juice gift card or a Pete’s Coffee gift card for  every hour that you volunteer.

Here’s the Deal:

We need current students to call applicants to chat with them about the  Monterey Institute and help answer any questions that they may have.  This  will be a great way to share your experiences and learn about the students who  are applying to the Monterey Institute.

Where: The Recruitment Suite (443 Casa Fuente)

When: Tuesday April 21st.  Volunteer for one or more of 5 shifts:  3-4pm, 4-
5pm, 5-6pm, 6-7pm or 7-8pm

If you are interested in helping, please contact Devin Lueddeke as soon as  possible by emailing him at  or by calling 831-647-6543.

Thank you for your help!      -Devin