I’m sure most of you are already aware of the upcoming Ken Burns Documentary, THE NATIONAL PARKS: AMERICA’S BEST IDEA, airing on PBS beginning this Sunday (September 27-October 2.) This film series promises to be inspiring! To quote from the film, “As Americans, we’re not only connected to this land, we’re connected BY it.” (See September 24 issue of Monterey County Weekly for a wonderful article about the film series and REI’s follow-up event on Wednesday, October 21.)
REI Marina is hosting a “Get Involved!” Open House on Wednesday, October 21, 6-8:30 pm. The idea is to follow up on the community interest in public lands and seas, which we expect will be generated by this inspiring national media event. Specifically, we see this as an opportunity to invite community members to become involved in local stewardship initiatives sponsored by the many committed non-profit conservation and stewardship groups on the Monterey Peninsula. I am hoping you will be joining us!
Beginning at 6 pm, local groups will be on hand to offer information and displays reflecting stewardship and conservation programs and related volunteer opportunities in our area. So far, the following local groups have agreed to participate: California State Parks, Bureau of Land Management, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey Bay Marine Sanctuary/NOAA, Chuck Haugen Conservation Fund, Elkhorn Slough Foundation, Defenders of Wildlife, Return of the Natives Restoration Education Project, Save Our Shores, BETA, Ventana Wilderness Alliance, Monterey County Sheriff’s Department Search and Rescue, Monterey Regional Parks District., Stormdrain Education Alliance/Save the Whales, Surfrider Foundation.
Whole Foods Market has generously offered to provide the free refreshments for the evening! At 7 pm, Pinnacles National Monument staff will be presenting a 48-minute film, “This is America” (excerpted from the Ken Burns’ documentary series.) Following this, they will show slides of Pinnacles great hikes and the natural history of the park. REI will have some sweepstakes prizes, including the DVD set of the Ken Burns documentary. A spirit of celebration of our precious public lands and seas will prevail!
This public program is free and open to all. Please join us for this evening of appreciation, inspiration, information, celebration, food, fellowship, fun, and some prizes, to boot! For further information, feel free to contact me:
Ellie Kincade, Outreach Specialist
REI Marina
145 General Stilwell Drive
Marina, CA 93933
831.883.8048 X203
Following are a few websites if you would like further information on the PBS film series:
http://www.kqed.org/tv/programs/index.jsp?pgmid=18353 for air times on KQED
http://www.pbs.org/nationalparks/ (promo clip)