Category Archives: Organic Produce

Interested in organic produce delivered to you at MIIS? CSA Returns!

Thanks to Max Perelman for this message about organic produce delivered to MIIS

CSA is back!  Weekly Thursday deliveries to the porch of Student Affairs of fresh picked organic produce (and flowers) is happening MARCH 19 – please sign up!  (5% DISCOUNT if you pay by Feb 16)

To sign up, contact Two Small Farms:

Cost is $20/week for a box. There are enough veggies in a box for two vegetarians / week.  This is by far the cheapest way to eat local and organic.

– But I want to support the Farmers’ Market…great!  The CSA boxes are mostly veggies so I buy my fruit, nuts, extra veggies, and snacks at the market.
– But I can’t choose what’s in the box…. Right, you only get what is perfectly ripe (picked that morning) and it comes with recipes!

CSA means “Community Supported Agriculture”. You pay up front and then receive produce throughout the season.  This provides local growers with much needed capital, while spreading the risk across the community. Buying CSA is the perfect way to vote with your wallet and support local organic farmers.

Here’s how it works:
– Call or email Two Small Farms and say, “I want to order a CSA box to be delivered to MIIS.”
– Then send them a check or give them your creditcard info – they have starter plans of 2 months…the season extends to November and then starts up again in the Spring. You get a discount if you buy the whole season.
– Stop by the porch of Student Affairs (across from the president’s
office) from 11:00am-Thursday to pick up your huge bag of goodies.  There will be a newsletter included with lots of great recipes and info on what you’re getting.  Much of the veggies are ancient varietals that will impress your friends!
– Fold up the box and wait for next week.
– If you forget to pick up your box or can’t pick it up some week then email/call Max Perelman at (831-917-7641).  If you don’t let him know then your box is “fair game” come Friday morning and Max will distribute the contents to starving students and pale-looking staff around campus.