Author Archives: Shawna Routh

Commencement Speaker Nominations – deadline this Friday!


 This is just a friendly reminder that the Student Affairs Office is now accepting student Commencement Speaker nominations from members of the Graduating Class of May 2009.  The deadline for nominations is this Friday, March 13th! You must be a May 2009 graduating student to participate.  You may nominate a classmate or yourself.  When making your nomination decision, please consider a person that would best represent the entire student body of the Institute rather than a particular graduate school or degree program.

Please refer to the schedule of important deadlines below:

Continue to check the Graduating Students Conference on First Class for updates and additional information related to Commencement. We will also be sending important emails directly to your email inbox.

Commencement Speaker nominations are due in Student Affairs Friday, March 13th, at 5 pm. You can either email your nomination to:  “Student Affairs”
in First Class or stop by the Student Affairs Office and submit your nomination. All nominees who accept their nomination will present a 3-5 minute summary of their Commencement speech to fellow graduates at the Graduating Students Meeting on Thursday, March 19th, at 12:00pm in Irvine. The Graduating Students Meeting is very important because we will cover important information about Commencement day logistics, graduation announcements, required paperwork needed for clearance, diplomas and more!   The meeting begins at 12:00pm and will conclude at 2:00pm.  The speakers will present at some point during the meeting (times to be determined)……….and we will be streaming live on the web as well as videotaping this meeting!

Commencement Speaker Elections will take place in the Student Affairs Office from Thursday, March 19th at 2pm through Friday, April 3rd at 5pm. You can stop by the Student Affairs Office and cast your vote or you can do so by email to “Student Affairs” in First Class. The Student Commencement Speaker winner will be announced by email to the graduating students as well as posted on conferences for the MIIS community. Speaker will rehearse their speech with Ashley Arrocha to get timing and pacing perfected.

If you should have any questions, please contact any of us here in the Student Affairs Office.


Shawna Routh
Administrative Assistant
Student Affairs & Office of International Services

Student Clubs – Important info!

Are you interested in starting or continuing a Student Club?

If so, please come to the Student Affairs Office, and meet with Shawna Routh, by Wednesday, February 11th, to sign-up to share a table at the Club Activities Fair. The Club Activities Fair will be your chance to publicize your club and solicit membership for the spring 2009 semester.

If you would like to make a sign or banner for your table, please feel free to use the paper, markers, and paint in the Student Activities Room (basement of the Morse Building). Remember to make smaller signs/banners as all clubs will be sharing 6′ or 8′ tables.

Club Activities Fair
Thursday, February 12th
12pm to 2 pm
Samson Student Center

Please note that there will be a MANDATORY New Club Orientation on Thursday, February 19th at 12:15 in room B104. All newly created clubs must have an officer or responsible member in attendance in order to be a spring 2009 recognized Club and to receive funding. All continuing clubs are not required to attend this meeting. At this meeting you will turn in your club applications, budget proposals and learn about club policies.


$500 Give away!

The Monterey Institute Virtual Bookstore and the Middlebury College Bookstore will be giving away ten $50 textbook gift credits on Friday February 6, 2008. The credits will be for those who bought their books through the Monterey Institute Virtual Bookstore.Rules:
1. You must be a Fan of the Middlebury College Bookstore on Facebook:

2. You must be listed as a Friend on Facebook:

3. You must be enrolled for the spring semester 2009 at Monterey Institute.

4. You must have purchased at least $50 in books through the Monterey Institute Virtual Bookstore for spring semester by February 6, 2008 by noon 12:00 pm pacific time:

5. You must be listed as attending this event.

Failure to follow any one of the above rules will disqualify you from winning.

The ten winners will be chosen from those attending the event, and meet the requirements of five rules above. I will email the ten winners after 5:00 pm Friday February 6, 2008.

Full tuition fellowships to attend Middlebury College Language Schools this summer!

Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese, Portuguese, & Russian

Deadline: Monday, February 2nd, 2009.. so don’t wait!

Please see the link below for all details on the Kathryn Davis Fellowship for Peace

Please note, all current MIIS students and MIIS alumni must apply to Middlebury College directly.

All inquires should be directed to:
Mr. Jamie Northrup

We’re back in action!

After a wonderful holdiay break the Student Services Office is back in action and will resume our normal office hours. 

Just a reminder our normal office hours are:

Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Walk-in assistance is always available.  If you would like to schedule an appointment with Ashley Arrocha, the Director of Student Services, she is in the office Tuesday – Friday.  Please contact Ashley Arrocha or Shawna Routh to schedule an appointment. 

Hope you are all having a great break!

Happy New Year!

– Student Services Staff

Modified Holiday Office Hours

Happy Holidays!

The Student Services Office will be closed from 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 24th – Sunday, January 4th.  We are scheduled to re-open at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, January 5th. 

We hope you have a wonderful break!  See you next year!

Warm regards,

– The Student Services Office

*  Please note – If you have an emergency please contact security: 831.647.4153 and they will be able to reach the Student Services Staff. 

Open Study Rooms Announced!

Monterey Institute Students:

Just a reminder that we are keeping several additional rooms unlocked and available for open studying through the remainder of this semester. The following rooms will be open from 6PM – midnight, Sunday through Thursday through Tuesday, December 16, for anyone who needs additional individual or group study space.

Morse Room A202
Morse Room A205
McGowan Room 101 (except Mondays from 6 – 9PM, when there is already a study group scheduled) McCone Room 127 (except Thursdays from 6 – 8PM, when there is already a study group scheduled)

A few things to keep in mind:

1) Please turn the lights off when you leave a room.
2) Please be ameniable to sharing a room with others.
3) Please be courteous of the few times that the rooms are already officially reserved for a study group.
4) Study groups can continue to officially reserve rooms for specific days and times by e-mailing

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to let me know.
Barbara Burke
Executive Assistant to the President

Volunteers needed to carry flags at December Commencement

Volunteers Needed!  This could be you…

The Student Affairs Office is still looking for Flag Carriers for the upcoming December 2008 Commencement on Sunday, December 14th.

First year students, staff, and friends – this is a GREAT opportunity to cheer our graduates on!  Volunteer Flag Carriers will have prime seating at the Commencement!

If you are interested in carrying one of the flags listed below to honor our graduates, please stop by the Student Affairs Office or email “Student Affairs” on First Class to sign-up for your flag of choice.  The sign-ups will be on a first-come, first served basis.  If your flag of choice is taken, PLEASE be willing to carry another flag.  There are 19 different countries being represented in the December Commencement.  Right now there are 7 countries for which we still need carriers and we will also need 3 – 5 alternates.  Please read below for the countries that are still available.

The individuals who volunteer as flag carriers will need to be available for a 1 hour rehersal the morning of Commencement (Sunday, December 14th).  Exact time will be confirmed as we move closer to that date.  More details on the process, rehersal, etc. will be sent to all Volunteers in early December.

Volunteers are still needed for the following countries:
Saudi Arabia