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Author Archives: Gail Lu
MIIS OKTOBERFEST Happy Hour on October 16 from 5-8 pm
The MIIS MIIS OKTOBERFEST Happy Hour will be on Friday, October 16th from 5-8 pm.
Sponsored by NET Impact and the German Club
Also, there will be a “Beers for Books After Party”
8 pm @Indian Summer
Have a drink…It’s for the kids!
$1.00 from every beer or well drink will be donated directly to the Room to Read Organization (www.roomtoread.org)
Room to Read partners with local communities throughout the developing world to provide quality educational opportunities by establishing libraries, children’s literature in the local language, constructing new schools, and providing education to girls.
Free Cover!
For more information contact:
The Library is having its annual book sale
The sale starts Monday, Oct. 19th, ends Sunday, Oct. 25th.
Christie Tam
Reference Librarian/Language Specialist
William Tell Coleman Library
Hope Fundraising for Victims of Typhoon Morakot
HOPE Fundraising for Victims of Typhoon Morakot will be held in the Samson Center from 12-2 pm, October 12-16. Raffle tickets will be sold and the cost is $2 for 1 ticket and $5 for 3 tickets.
The raffle will be held on Friday, October 16 at 6pm during Happy Hour. Prizes include gift certificates for: Jamba Juice, Osio Theatre, Plumes, Peet’s, California Pizza Kitchen, and more!
Urgent Need for Burmese Translator
Dear MIIS friends,
We have an urgent request coming from another local school. There is a young Burmese speaking woman, enrolled in ESL, who is in an urgent/emergency situation. The counselors trying to assist her need a translator. If you, or anyone you know, knows Burmese and is able to assist, please get back to me at jsteers@isiwebnet.net. Leave your email address, phone number, and best way (and time) to reach you.
John Steers, ISI-Monterey
The last two crosscultural lunches of this academic year will be held during the next two Thursdays, Oct 8 and 17. They will be held at 12:15 at the Holland Center Courtyard. Dessert and drinks are free.
Six students are placed at each table, mixed up by nationality and academic program. A faculty member then facilitates a cross-cultural question. Provost Dr. Amy Sands will facilitate the question at one of the tables this
coming Thursday. Don’t miss the last two crosscultural lunches of the year! You can sign up at the Career Advising enter on the third floor of the McCone Building. All students are very welcome!
Professor Peter Grothe, Ph.D.
Director of International Student Programs
tel. 831-647-4129
email: pgrothe@miis.edu
Full-tuition fellowships to attend Middlebury College Language Schools – Information Session
Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese, Portuguese, and Russian
Full-tuition fellowships to attend Middlebury College Language Schools – Information Session
Wednesday, October 14
11:30am – 12:30pm
B 108
Jamie Northrup, Director of Institutional Collaboration & Marketing , Middlebury College Language Schools, will be here talking about the Kathryn Davis Fellowships for Peace, to study at Middlebury College Language Schools, summer 2010. Languages as part of this Fellowship: Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese, Portuguese, and Russian
See their application and information at: http://www.middlebury.edu/academics/ls/fellowships_scholarships/kwd.htm
NB – Current MIIS students MUST apply through the process offered by Middlebury by following the link above.
Upcoming Argentine Film Series: A Boyfriend for My Wife
The T&I Spanish Program of GSTILE is proud to present the twenty-
fourth film in its Argentine Film Series. This is a continuing, free-of-
charge event, open to all MIIS students, faculty, staff and guests. Films
are in Spanish with English subtitles. The blockbuster comedy UN
screened Tuesday, October 6 at 6:30 PM in Room B 104. The film stars
award-winning actor and producer Adrián Suar as Valeria Bertuccelli’s
husband. Valeria is the “perfect” manifestation of pessimism, bad vibes
and constant nagging and whining. Adrián is so fed up with her that he
tries to find a man who will seduce her, since he can’t bring himself to
ask for a divorce.
A BOYFRIEND FOR MY WIFE has been recognized both by film critics
and audiences alike, and has been nominated for four Silver Condor
Awards—the statuette of the Argentine Film Critics Association—for Best
Actor (Adrián Suar), Best Actress (Valeria Bertuccelli), Best Supporting
Actor (Gabriel Goity) and Best Screenplay (Pablo Solarz).
Watch the trailer (in Spanish) at
In the last 25 years, Argentine films have gained increasing recognition
throughout the world, even beating American and local blockbusters at
the box-office in countries such as Spain and France. We started our
series with the only Argentine film ever to win the Oscar® for Foreign-
Language Film—the political drama The Official Story—and followed it
with Valentin, Burnt Money, Nine Queens, Waiting for the Hearse,
Same Love Same Rain, The Holy Girl, Common Ground, Son of the
Bride, The Aura, Autumn Sun, Ashes from Paradise, Enlightened by
Fire, Camila: Love Against All Odds, Kamchatka, Live-In Maid, The
Die Is Cast, The Lighthouse, A Red Bear, The Hands, Family Law,
The Bodyguard and XXY. Future screenings will include The Signal
and Argentina’s representative to the 2009 Oscars® Leonera.
Special screenings on demand. Please contact Prof. Marcos Celesia.
** Next Screening: The Signal on November 10*
Prof. Marcos M. Celesia
Associate Professor – Spanish Department
Graduate School of Translation, Interpretation and Language Education (GSTILE)
Tel: (831) 647-4178
e-mail: marcos.celesia@miis.edu
REI Marina is hosting a “Get Involved!” Open House on Wednesday, October 21, 6-8:30 pm
I’m sure most of you are already aware of the upcoming Ken Burns Documentary, THE NATIONAL PARKS: AMERICA’S BEST IDEA, airing on PBS beginning this Sunday (September 27-October 2.) This film series promises to be inspiring! To quote from the film, “As Americans, we’re not only connected to this land, we’re connected BY it.” (See September 24 issue of Monterey County Weekly for a wonderful article about the film series and REI’s follow-up event on Wednesday, October 21.)
REI Marina is hosting a “Get Involved!” Open House on Wednesday, October 21, 6-8:30 pm. The idea is to follow up on the community interest in public lands and seas, which we expect will be generated by this inspiring national media event. Specifically, we see this as an opportunity to invite community members to become involved in local stewardship initiatives sponsored by the many committed non-profit conservation and stewardship groups on the Monterey Peninsula. I am hoping you will be joining us!
Beginning at 6 pm, local groups will be on hand to offer information and displays reflecting stewardship and conservation programs and related volunteer opportunities in our area. So far, the following local groups have agreed to participate: California State Parks, Bureau of Land Management, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey Bay Marine Sanctuary/NOAA, Chuck Haugen Conservation Fund, Elkhorn Slough Foundation, Defenders of Wildlife, Return of the Natives Restoration Education Project, Save Our Shores, BETA, Ventana Wilderness Alliance, Monterey County Sheriff’s Department Search and Rescue, Monterey Regional Parks District., Stormdrain Education Alliance/Save the Whales, Surfrider Foundation.
Whole Foods Market has generously offered to provide the free refreshments for the evening! At 7 pm, Pinnacles National Monument staff will be presenting a 48-minute film, “This is America” (excerpted from the Ken Burns’ documentary series.) Following this, they will show slides of Pinnacles great hikes and the natural history of the park. REI will have some sweepstakes prizes, including the DVD set of the Ken Burns documentary. A spirit of celebration of our precious public lands and seas will prevail!
This public program is free and open to all. Please join us for this evening of appreciation, inspiration, information, celebration, food, fellowship, fun, and some prizes, to boot! For further information, feel free to contact me:
Ellie Kincade, Outreach Specialist
REI Marina
145 General Stilwell Drive
Marina, CA 93933
831.883.8048 X203
Following are a few websites if you would like further information on the PBS film series:
http://www.kqed.org/tv/programs/index.jsp?pgmid=18353 for air times on KQED
http://www.pbs.org/nationalparks/ (promo clip)
MIIS 2010 Calendar Photo Contest
Share your view of the world! Enter the 2010 Calendar Photo Contest!
The calendar will showcase and celebrate the experiences, diversity and cultures present at the Institute and will be available for purchase this holiday season.
Open to all members of the MIIS community
(Students, Faculty, Staff, and Alumni)
There are no specific scenes or categories required for this photo contest. Please consider submitting images that reveal the culture, people, scenery, traditions and/or unique aspects, capturing the essence of a place you have visited or live.
All photos must be submitted digitally on a CD or DVD, no exceptions.
(If your photo was taken with a film camera, please scan it and submit it as a digital file)
Digital photos must be at least 300 dpi (1 MB or more in size)
Color and Black and white photos will be accepted.
You can submit a maximum of three photos per person.
When you submit your photos you must include:
Your Full Name
If you are a Student, Faculty, Staff, Alumni
Email Address
Phone Number
Title of photo (for each photo)
Location (for each photo)
Caption for photo (for each photo)
You must also submit a signed release waiver for the photos. (Please pick one up at Student Affairs)
Submit your photos to Gail Lu, Coordinator of Student Services, in the Student Affairs building. If needed, you can also send your photo CD by mail to Gail Lu, Monterey Institute of International Studies, 460 Pierce Street, Monterey, CA 93940.
Deadline for all submissions is Friday, October 9, by 5:00 pm. (No Exceptions)
The top 12 photographs will be used in the calendar
Photographs will be judged by the Monterey Institute Community in an online voting process during the week of 10/12/09-10/16/09. Winners will receive a free calendar.
If you have any questions, please call 831.647.3586 or email gail.lu@miis.edu.
Please Note:
The twelve photographs chosen for the calendar publication become property of the Monterey Institute of International Studies. Photographs will be viewed online via a password protected website. By submitting your photograph(s) you are authorizing that they can be uploaded to a third party site for viewing and voting.
Only one photo from each photographer will be eligible to win a place in the calendar. If more than one photograph from a single photographer wins, the photograph that received the most votes will be the winning photograph for that photograph. The subsequent places will be awarded to the photographs from other photographers with the next highest vote count. Also, as a reminder, we will continue to hold the Annual International Bazaar Photo Contest in the spring.