The T&I Spanish Program of GSTILE is proud to present the twenty-
fourth film in its Argentine Film Series. This is a continuing, free-of-
charge event, open to all MIIS students, faculty, staff and guests. Films
are in Spanish with English subtitles. The blockbuster comedy UN
screened Tuesday, October 6 at 6:30 PM in Room B 104. The film stars
award-winning actor and producer Adrián Suar as Valeria Bertuccelli’s
husband. Valeria is the “perfect” manifestation of pessimism, bad vibes
and constant nagging and whining. Adrián is so fed up with her that he
tries to find a man who will seduce her, since he can’t bring himself to
ask for a divorce.
A BOYFRIEND FOR MY WIFE has been recognized both by film critics
and audiences alike, and has been nominated for four Silver Condor
Awards—the statuette of the Argentine Film Critics Association—for Best
Actor (Adrián Suar), Best Actress (Valeria Bertuccelli), Best Supporting
Actor (Gabriel Goity) and Best Screenplay (Pablo Solarz).
Watch the trailer (in Spanish) at
In the last 25 years, Argentine films have gained increasing recognition
throughout the world, even beating American and local blockbusters at
the box-office in countries such as Spain and France. We started our
series with the only Argentine film ever to win the Oscar® for Foreign-
Language Film—the political drama The Official Story—and followed it
with Valentin, Burnt Money, Nine Queens, Waiting for the Hearse,
Same Love Same Rain, The Holy Girl, Common Ground, Son of the
Bride, The Aura, Autumn Sun, Ashes from Paradise, Enlightened by
Fire, Camila: Love Against All Odds, Kamchatka, Live-In Maid, The
Die Is Cast, The Lighthouse, A Red Bear, The Hands, Family Law,
The Bodyguard and XXY. Future screenings will include The Signal
and Argentina’s representative to the 2009 Oscars® Leonera.
Special screenings on demand. Please contact Prof. Marcos Celesia.
** Next Screening: The Signal on November 10*
Prof. Marcos M. Celesia
Associate Professor – Spanish Department
Graduate School of Translation, Interpretation and Language Education (GSTILE)
Tel: (831) 647-4178