The next two cross cultural lunches will be at 12:15 on Wednesday, Sept 23
and Thursday, Sept. 24 in the courtyard in front of the Holland Center.
Dessert and drinks are free! Everyone is welcome! There will only be three or
four more cross-cultural lunches during the next month and that will be all for
the rest of the academic year.
As you may know, we place six students to a table, mixed by by nationality
and academic program and so it is a wonderful opportunity to meet students
from other countries and specializations. A professor at each table will
facilitate a crosscultural question, which always leads to a great discussion.
Last year, around 250 students took part in the crosscultural lunches. You can
sign up in the advising center on the third floor of McCone.
Again, everyone is welcome!
Kind regards,
Professor Peter Grothe, Ph.D.
Director of International Student Programs
tel. 831-647-4129