Message from AFS Volunteer Roy Michaels:
Attached you will find the Sending Coordinator position which the AFS Steinbeck Coast currently has open. The job can be shared by two individuals which has been done in the past. Sometimes sharing a role can make the experience more enjoyable. I had the Sending Coordinator position for several years and I’d be more than willing to meet with a grad student or employee at MIIS to help with any questions and training.
Each year AFS has a training gathering and invites coordinators from throughout the United States to attend. In past years we’ve met in Portland, OR, Chicago, IL., St. Louis, MO, and Baltimore, MD. AFS pays all expenses to attend.
Roy Michaels, AFS Volunteer
831-783-1747 office
831-422-9176 home
Attachment: at_sending_coordinator1-2009-10