The Recruitment Office is running a phonathon to call prospective students this coming Tuesday April 21st and we need your help!
A pizza dinner and refreshments will be provided for all volunteers. PLUS you will receive either a Jamba Juice gift card or a Pete’s Coffee gift card for every hour that you volunteer.
Here’s the Deal:
We need current students to call applicants to chat with them about the Monterey Institute and help answer any questions that they may have. This will be a great way to share your experiences and learn about the students who are applying to the Monterey Institute.
Where: The Recruitment Suite (443 Casa Fuente)
When: Tuesday April 21st. Volunteer for one or more of 5 shifts: 3-4pm, 4-
5pm, 5-6pm, 6-7pm or 7-8pm
If you are interested in helping, please contact Devin Lueddeke as soon as possible by emailing him at or by calling 831-647-6543.
Thank you for your help! -Devin