Here is a reminder for how to request services at Lab and Media Services
Hi all,
Just a customer service reminder for everyone to help kick off the the
next semester. Some of us still have some confusion about Lab and Media
Services functions and how to request services. Here are some easy simple
tips. Keep in mind advanced notice is necessary to make sure we have the time
to fill the request the equipment available and not reserved or the request is
something we are equipped to do and we have time to tell you how to interact
with the setup:
1. Request for a classroom media, audio or visual, should be sent to media
services on FirstClass. Request made any other way other than filling
out the form at the counter or emailing this address may be lost despite our
best efforts and should not be considered as acknowledged.
2. Let us know if this is a one time event or reoccurring event.
3. If you are not sure what it takes to setup the event or fill the request
please stop by and speak with the service personnel or make an appointment
with Norman Metcalfe or Vince Mascal (specify in your written request so that
we can contact you or visit the LMS center).
4. In general we do not provided consumable for user checking out equipment
such as batteries tapes and disk.
5. If you make a request by emailing Lab and Media Services and have no
response in 24 hours please call 647-4150.
6. If you follow this procedure and do not get customer satisfaction call
831-277-0671. This number is not an alternative way to make a request.
This to make sure you get customer satisfaction when using he procedure above.
N o r m a n Metcalfe
Monterey Institute of International Studies Information Systems Department Lab
and Media Services (LMS) Manager
448 Pacific Street
Monterey, CA 93940
OFFICE 647-4109 or 4150