MIIS Fall Carnival

MIIS Fall Carnival Saturday, Nov. 22 12:00-5:00 @ Samson Patio & Lot* Games
* Bake-Off/Auction
* Music
* Clothes Swap
* Wining & Dining
* Proceeds benefit The Food Bank of Monterey

Student Council has organized this event and would like to request your participation in the following:

* Charity Bake-Off Auction: Baked items will be donated, displayed and auctioned. COSTS REIMBURSED so keep your receipts! Sign-up ASAP. Contact- David Reichbaum

* Dunking Booth: Student Council and Faculty will take turns in the dunk booth. Contact- Chris Hucke
All proceeds will benefit The Food Bank of Monterey County

*Games: Inflatable obstacle course and bungee run, sumo suits, gladiator battles

Wining & Dining: Beer, mulled wine, BBQ and cotton candy

Student Council and The Food Bank of Monterey County greatly appreciate your participation.

Please contact David Reichbaum, Chris Hucke, Seda Sevas or Student Affairs for details.

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