FAO Schwarz Fellowship: Info Session Jan 14; Apps due Feb 10

Now accepting applications for the next cohort of FAO Schwarz Fellows.

Heads up! Applications for the 2021-2023 cohort are due February 10.

The FAO Schwarz Fellowship program offers a transformative two-year experience designed to develop your leadership skills and prepare you for success in the social impact sector. Each Fellowship is paid and includes benefits.

You can learn more about the Fellowships during an online info session on Thursday, January 14 from 11:00 –11:45 am EST. You’ll learn more about our new hosts and how to apply to be an FAO Schwarz Fellow. Please join us for that call and learn more about the Fellowship experience.

The 2021-2023 FAO Schwarz Fellowship Host Organizations
The Barnes Foundation is a nonprofit cultural and educational institution, and its mission is to promote the advancement of education and the appreciation of the fine arts and horticulture.(Philadelphia). 

Mighty Writer’s mission is to teach Philadelphia students to think and write with clarity so they can achieve success at school, at work and in life. (Philadelphia)

Year Up’s mission is to close the Opportunity Divide by ensuring that young adults gain the skills, experiences, and support that will empower them to reach their potential through careers and higher education. (New York City)
Jumpstart provides language, literacy, and social-emotional programming for preschool children from under-resourced communities and promotes quality early learning for all. (Hosting 2 Fellowships–Boston and New York City)

One of the world’s largest science centers and New England’s most highly attended cultural institution, the Museum of Science engages its audiences in STEM education through exhibits, in-person and digital education programs, and curricula. (Boston)

Proposals for the 2021 Scholarship and Social Justice Undergraduate Research Conference due Feb 10

We are happy to announce that the 2021 Scholarship and Social Justice Undergraduate Research Conference will be held (virtually!) on April 8th  & 9th, 2021.  We are soliciting proposals from undergraduates who are conducting independent research. Here is a link to the request for proposals (RFP): Link to RFP: SSJ Request for Proposals or https://harvard.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6GAWBBxqqRx2C21

For 2021, we are primarily interested in research that focuses on groups, communities, or issues underrepresented in research. This year, we are looking for proposals that address health, education, and political access.  Below are some examples of previous successful proposals. 

  • The Politics of Representation: A Study on the Impact of Electoral Systems in the United States- Mills College
  • Incorporating Native Hawaiian Knowledge, Community, and Culture in Health Research: The Challenges of Multicultural Settler Colonialism- Harvard College
  • Speaking for Ourselves: The Evolving Activism of Black Psychiatry from Integration to Black Power- Harvard College
  • Whose Schizophrenia? How Race, Class, and Gender Intersect with Conceptions of Psychiatric Diagnosis-Wesleyan University

Personal Statement Workshop on Nov. 15 with Denise Shekerjian ’75– Register Now!

Learning how to write an effective personal statement for graduate study or fellowship applications is a vital skill! (And yes, it’s different than your college essays.) Join Middlebury alumna Denise Shekerjian for an engaging workshop to learn how to craft cohesive, persuasive, and memorable materials to support your academic and professional goals.

Workshop date: Sunday, November 15, 7:00pm 

Virtual, register here

RISE Summer Research Internships in Germany; Deadline Dec. 15

RISE stands for Research Internships in Science and Engineering. RISE Germany offers undergraduate students from North American, British and Irish universities the opportunity to complete a summer research internship at top German universities and research institutions.

  • Students are matched with a host university or institute according to their area of interest (biology, chemistry, physics, earth sciences, engineering, or a closely related field)
  • DAAD provides students a monthly stipend for three months to help cover living expenses
  • Host universities, universities of applied sciences (UAS) and institutes provide housing assistance and match students with Ph.D. student mentors or researchers (only UAS)
  • German language is not required and the working language will be in English

See https://www.daad.de/rise/en/rise-germany/ for more information and application instructions.

NYU’s Root-Tilden-Kern Scholarship for Public Interest Law

The Root-Tilden-Kern (RTK) Scholarship Program provides full-tuition scholarships to NYU Law School for students seeking to work in public interest law. The program seeks to provide funding, support, and community to a diverse group of students, including those who otherwise would not have the opportunity to pursue a public interest legal career. For more information, see https://www.law.nyu.edu/financialaid/jdscholarships/rootscholarship