CCI has $1000 and $3000 grants available for students with unpaid summer internships!  
Funding Application Deadline: April 14.

You must have secured and accepted your internship before applying for funding. You may not switch internships after you have applied for funding.  Requirements include an essay, budget, funding agreement, and  approved resume.
Don’t wait; visit Quick Questions for resume approval.

Make an appointment through Handshake to discuss your plans with a CCI advisor.  Appointments are required for First-Year Explore applicants and strongly encouraged for all other applicants. CCI appointments and resume approvals must be complete by April 7.

Instructions, forms, and Frequently Asked Questions are available at go/summerfunding.

All funding applications will be reviewed after April 14. Funding notifications will be emailed on May 1.

Need help with your internship search? Did you know there are over 1700 paid and unpaid internship on Handshake?
See CCI’s Top 10 Tips for Finding an Internship, visit
Quick Questions, or make an appointment with a CCI advisor.

CCI can’t wait to hear about your summer plans!