Winter Term Internship Application for Credit Now Open!

Do you have a Winter Term internship lined up or want to consider doing a J-term internship? Here’ s the information you’ll need if you want to take part in an internship AND earn credit for the internship. STEP 1: Have your resume approved by a CCI Peer Career Advisor (PCA). No appointment necessary. See go/PCAs for days/times. […]…Continue Reading Winter Term Internship Application for Credit Now Open!

2 Consulting related events next week

Case Interview Workshop October 28 at 6 pm. Click HERE to sign up in Handshake and get the link The purpose of this workshop is to provide an overview of what case interviewing is and how students can practice before the kick-off of interview season, and run through an interactive case interview in real time. […]…Continue Reading 2 Consulting related events next week

Black Pre-Law Conference and Law Fair next month

Join us for the 16th Annual National Black Pre-Law Conference and Law Fair 2020 Sponsored by the Law School Admission Council! November 13 and 14, 2020. All events will be virtual. The National Black Pre-Law Conference and Law Fair is the nation’s premier information-sharing and networking event for aspiring Black lawyers! Join us as we […]…Continue Reading Black Pre-Law Conference and Law Fair next month

Nonproliferation Internship this J-term with MIIS

The James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS) is pleased to offer their Undergraduate Nonproliferation Internships for the Winter Term 2021. This is a very special opportunity where many Middkids have benefited in the past. Application Deadline is November 10th! Intern(s) will work with CNS experts on substantive issues in areas such as those below:  […]…Continue Reading Nonproliferation Internship this J-term with MIIS