Application deadline EXTENDED for FUNDED Tech Education Internship in Rwanda with Team4Tech!

In Rwanda, Team4Tech is working with the Gashora Girls Academy, a boarding school for 270 girls, to have interns mentor a team of Gashora students to execute an extensive technical capstone project requiring research, planning, and a final prototype. At the end of the summer, each team will present their project to the school’s teachers […]…Continue Reading Application deadline EXTENDED for FUNDED Tech Education Internship in Rwanda with Team4Tech!

College students participate in Institute JTerm programs in Monterey and Cuba

This January five Middlebury College students and one alumnus participated in the following Middlebury Institute courses: Traveling Cuba’s National Freeway: The Road to Revolution The Cuban Revolution was not just a historical event;… Read More Continue Reading College students participate in Institute JTerm programs in Monterey and Cuba