An in-depth look at the top 5 regional hotspots for tech hiring in 2019, including Boston, Charlotte and Denver.

When you think of tech talent hotspots, New York City, San Francisco, and Silicon Valley are likely the first to come to mind. But Silicon Valley’s job market continues a volatile trajectory as today’s tech job seekers, many of whom are millennials, opt for more affordable and inclusive tech hubs to call home.

With the rising costs of rent for not just talent but businesses as well, employers have come to understand how much they have to gain by expanding to lesser-known regions and creating new tech hiring hotspots. Benefits include access to more talent, less hiring competition from fellow employers, lower cost of living which often means lower salary ranges, and more. As a result, tech is moving away from being centrally located in major metro areas and instead reaping these benefits, which only smaller regional cities can offer. Here’s a look at the regional hotspots for tech hiring that will continue to attract more and more of the best tech job seekers in 2019.

Excerpt taken from Stephen Zafarino’s article. Read the entire article here.

Top 5 Regional Hotspots for Tech Hiring in 2019 :

  • Denver
  • Atlanta
  • Boston
  • Charlotte
  • Philadelphia