In partnership with the SGA, the CCI is continuing the “Life Beyond Middlebury” series that aims to equip students with the tools needed to succeed in life. Check out our upcoming events!

Personal Finance
Wednesday, January 15 at 4:30 pm in Axinn 229

Are you a saver or a spender? Do you want to learn more about personal finance and budgeting? Join us to hear from experts about strategies you can use to save money and spend wisely. RSVP here.

Salary Negotiation, Decision Making and What to do with The Offer
Wednesday, January 22 at 4:30 pm in Axinn 229

We will discuss ideas about what to think about and do when you interview and when you receive an offer, and the basic principles of a successful negotiation: what can be negotiated and how should you respond when offered a position. National Life Group is a Vermont employer very interested in introducing you to these skills that you can use in any type of future employment situation. Open to all students, all majors, whether you are job or internship searching now or later. RSVP here.