Come to one or more of the 6 sessions below and learn something new!  Sponsored by CCI, Student Government Association, MiddCORE, MCAB and Health and Wellness office.

LinkedIn Photobooth
Thursday, January 10 from 4:30-6 pm in ADK Library

Stop by any time for this drop in session.  Come get a professional headshot for your account (first come first serve), and stick around to learn how to make the most of your profile.  Advisors will be available to walk you through how to use the alumni tool, research employers and more!  RSVP here.

Personal Finance 101
Monday, January 14 at 4:30pm in  Axinn 219

Are you a saver or a spender?  How do you make a budget and actually live within it?  Do you usually take risks or are you pretty conservative with your money?  Come to this session to learn about these questions and more and have a knowledgeable discussion with an expert.  Presented by Kevin Renshler, Associate Director, MiddCORE and Professor of the Practice in Business and Enterprise.  RSVP here.

Negotiating Salary
Wednesday, January 16 at 4:30 pm in Axinn 229

Everyone should know how to negotiate their salary, yet very few people actually do. This workshop will teach the fundamentals of negotiating a higher salary including why it is important, how to find out how much you are worth, how to get a raise and more.  Presented by National Life Group, a Vermont employer very interested in introducing you to these skills that you can use in any type of future employment situation.    Open to all students, all majors, whether you are job or internship searching now or later.  RSVP here.

Balancing Work and Wellness after Graduation
Thursday, January 17 at 4:30 pm in Axinn 219

How do you maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle once you enter the workplace? This workshop will address the importance of keeping health and wellness at the forefront of each day so you can be a happy, healthy and productive employee.  Topics will include nutrition, mindfulness, movement, sleep/work balance, etc.  The talk will be given by Molly (Lukins) Burke, Midd ’97, who started her own corporate wellness company in New York City.  Presented by Molly Lukins Burke ’97, Food + Mood NYC.  RSVP here.

Jumpstarting Your Career: A Panel With Young Alums
Thursday, January 24 at 4:30 pm in Hillcrest 103

Come to this fun, light session to learn from young alumni about things they wish they knew before graduation and how to make their way in the real world after college.  RSVP here.

  • Alex Brockelman ‘18
  • Riley Dickie ‘16
  • Thomas Wentworth ‘18
  • Katie Ritter ‘15

Etiquette Dinner
Tuesday, January 29 at 6 pm in Atwater

Benefit from learning the life skills of networking at cocktail parties and dining in an appropriate way.  Starting with tips from an expert, learn how to handle yourself with confidence, make introductions and work the room.  Tickets $5 at go/boxoffice.  Limited seats available.