This post brought to you by Ariana Mills ’17!

Research Assistants (RAs) have four major responsibilities:

  • Transplant call
  • Tissue call
  • Consent call
  • Databasing/Clinical research

RAs have the unique opportunity to participate in heart and lung recoveries for transplant surgeries at Columbia university Irving Medical Center. RAs travel with the procuring surgeons to the donor hospital where they serve as organ preservationists.

On tissue and consent calls, RAs collect tissue from cardiac surgery cases for research, as well as obtain consent from patients to use their tissue for research.

RAs regularly collect data from patient files for retrospective studies, and there are many opportunities for RAs to come up with their own research projects.

The RA position is a minimum one-year commitment in addition to an on-boarding period. Applicants must be graduating seniors or post-bacc students. Candidates who can start before May 2019 will be given special consideration. Each RA will receive a $1,000/month stipend.

To apply, please email the following three items to the Program Director, Dr. Catherine Wang.

  • Cover letter
  • Resume/CV
  • Contact information of two references

Ariana has also generously offered her contact information if students have questions about the position, concerns about the stipend, etc. You can reach her via email here.