- The Basic Syllabus: Expectations for Faculty
- Universal Design Guidelines
- Universal Design in Higher Education
- Literacy Online (writing resources)
- Yes, You Have Implicit Biases, Too (The Chronicle of Higher Education)
- Incidents of Bias in College Classrooms: Instructor and Student Perceptions (PDF)
- Teachers, Students, and Ideological Bias in the College Classroom
- Adviser, Teacher, Role Model, Friend: On Being a Mentor to Students in Science and Engineering (1997)
- Mentoring Tips and Resources (Caltech)
- Five Effective Strategies for Mentoring Undergraduates: Students’ Perspective (CUR/Council on Undergraduate Research, U of Central Florida
- Inclusive Teaching Guide (Columbia Center for Teaching and Learning)
- How We Live Together: Strategic Opportunities Assessment (Middlebury College)
- Why building community—even through discomfort—could help stressed college students (Shawna Shapiro, Middlebury College)
- Universal Design – Considering the Syllabus Google Slide presentation by Bill Koulopoulos & Heather Stafford
Scaffolding Assignments — Handouts:
Teaching Students to Write Like a Scientist:
Designing Assignments that Support Learner Variability — Slides & Handouts
Bias in the Classroom: