Opportunities for STEM Students Interested in Research Internships and Graduate Study

Check out these great opportunities for STEM undergraduates interested in graduate school and research internships! These programs are sponsored by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory:

  1. Apply for the DOE-WDTS SULI and CCI internship programs at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The application closes October 6 at 5:00 PM EST. 
  2. Register here for the upcoming virtual GRAD Lab (September 24-25) to learn about fully-funded STEM graduate opportunities combined with research internships at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.  This event is hosted by the University of Tennessee Knoxville and sponsored by Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Blakemore Foundation Fellowships Support Asian Language Study–Applications Due Dec. 30, 2021

The Blakemore Foundation is now accepting applications at https://blakemorefoundation.communityforce.com for its 2022 Blakemore Freeman Fellowships for an academic year of advanced language study in East and Southeast Asia.  The application deadline is December 30, 2021.  

These fellowships are awarded to graduating seniors, college graduates, graduate students and young/mid-career professionals who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the United States, who are already at or near an advanced level in the language and ready to advance to professional fluency. The grants are highly competitive.

The grants provide a stipend for living, travel and study expenses and full tuition for programs in East Asia such as:
● Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies in Yokohama 
● International Chinese Language Program at National Taiwan University
● Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Studies at Tsinghua University
● Seoul National University, Sogang University and other language programs in South Korea

In addition to Chinese, Japanese and Korean, Blakemore Freeman Fellowships are also available for advanced language study in:
● Thailand     ● Vietnam     ● Indonesia     ● Cambodia     ● Myanmar
Note: If in-person study in a country is not possible due to travel restrictions, grantees may study on-line with their language program. 

Who should apply? The Foundation is looking for exceptional candidates who will make significant contributions to their career field. The ideal candidate is someone with stellar grades, outstanding recommendations, and a demonstrated commitment to the Asian country and language. Beyond commitment, we are looking for a mature purpose: a career path that will require and benefit from fluency in that Asian language throughout that individual’s life.

Candidates pursuing careers which will involve the regular use of an East or Southeast Asian language in fields such as academia, STEM, international business, accounting, law, medicine, journalism, architecture, teaching, NGO and government service, and similar fields are encouraged to apply.

Summer research internships in Canada; Deadline Oct 15!

The Fulbright Canada- Mitacs Globalink internship program invites applications from U.S. undergraduate students to do an internship in Canada during the 2022 summer semester.

This program will provide high performing students with the opportunity to be part of a 10 to 12-week research internship under the supervision of Canadian university faculty members in a variety of academic disciplines, from science, engineering and mathematics to the humanities and social sciences. 

Mitacs, our partner in this initiative, is a federally funded, national, not-for-profit organization that has designed and delivered research and training programs in Canada for some 20 years. Working with 70 universities, 6,000 companies, and both federal and provincial governments, they support industrial and social innovation in Canada. 

You can see the list of available projects here (disregards the deadline that is mentioned). You do not need to select a project at this stage, should you be selected you will select the project(s) of your interest in a second round.

The application deadline is OCT 15 2021.

August Notes for Watson and Fulbright

 It’s officially August (gasp!) and this is usually that time when I get a lot of questions from students and alumni wanting to apply for a Watson or Fulbright and they’re just thinking about that now. It’s also the time of year when I try to take vacation, since summer is lovely and the fall fellowships season is coming. So below is an effort to answer some common questions. So read on–and read carefully! It is long.

Is Dean Gates around? How do I talk with her? I have no open appointments right now, but will have some posted for later this month. You will be able to schedule these at go/appt . You can also email me. However, I will be out of the office or busy reading application and essay drafts during the latter half of August so far less available during that time. Appointment hours for Sept. will be posted later in August.

I missed the preliminary deadline for Watson or Fulbright. Can I still apply? Yes, you can! The only HARD deadlines coming up are Middlebury’s internal deadline: 9/8 at noon for Watson, 9/13 at noon for Fulbright.

I’m just thinking about a Watson or Fulbright right now. How do I get started? Review the information and directions at go/fulbright or go/watson and send in the preliminary application! Some application types may be more or less feasible at this point in time, so it’s important you get some feedback.

I’m an alum and interested in the Fulbright. Can I still apply through Middlebury? Yes! You will need to adhere to our internal deadline and have a brief interview with our campus committee via Zoom or phone if you’re not on campus.

I want to apply for the Watson and need to get access to the Watson online application. How do I do this? If you are not yet registered for the Watson online application, contact fellowships@middlebury.edu. We will register you, but check your junk/spam/clutter for the link. Read the instructions at go/watson carefully regarding which application sections to complete for the internal deadline.

Where do I find info about the Watson internal application process? Instructions for nomination materials and submission are online at go/watson . Please review the linked Google documents carefully–there’s a lot of useful info there and answers to common questions.

Fulbright Applicant FAQs

What is this August 15 “Intend to Apply” deadline, what do I send you, and what happens if I miss it? This deadline tells us who is planning to apply in this cycle. It is not a hard deadline, you can still apply if you miss it, and you can decide in September that you don’t want to proceed–just tell us. But we have this deadline because it gives us a sense of the number of applicants and most importantly, TIME to send you feedback on your drafts before the internal deadline.

What to send fellowships@middlebury.edu on 8/15: Read the application checklist at go.middlebury.edu/fulbright . Note: We do not expect a polished application at this point. Recommendations, transcripts, affiliation letters, etc. are not needed at this time (but if you have an affiliation lined up, include a copy of that). We will review your materials, send comments as needed, and you can continue working on your application. We will order transcripts (no charge) for those who send us draft application materials by August 15.

If you do not send in your materials by Aug 15, yes, you can still apply! We may be less able to provide substantive comments on your essays depending on when you send in your materials to review. You will also need to order your own transcript. If you discontinue your application after this point, that is also fine, just let us know as soon as you determine that. See go.middlebury.edu/fulbright for complete application instructions, guidance documents and the Middlebury Fulbright Applicant Checklist. Read all this info carefully.

Is September 13 at noon (Wed) a hard deadline for my Fulbright application? What if I’m missing some recommendations or a letter of affiliation? Yes, this is a hard deadline. No applications will be accepted after this date. If you have a letter (recommendation, affiliation) that is late in arriving, just be in touch with us. You still need to submit the application by the deadline and we can add the missing materials when they arrive (to a point of course!). As always, if you have questions, talk with us.

Are you expecting a polished and complete Fulbright application on Sept 13 at noon? Yes. But see note above about missing letters–it does happen sometimes. But everything in your control should be done and finalized at this point. Essays must be polished with no grammatical or spelling errors. Revisions after this date only happen when the campus committee review process notes issues that require your attention. Note: by submitting the application, you are sending it to the Fellowships office at this point, not to Fulbright. After your committee evaluation is added, we submit to Fulbright in October.

Do you have any helpful information in preparing the application? I’m so glad you asked–we do! Please review the following documents carefully:

Middlebury’s Fulbright Applicant Timeline and Checklist

Fulbright Application Guidance

Fulbright Essay Guidance

A few important notes:

Transcripts: Fulbright will accept unofficial transcripts as well as official ones at this stage.  If you meet the Aug 15 “intent to apply” deadline, we will send you a Middlebury transcript to upload. If you miss that and upload an unofficial transcript, make sure that it is concisely organized, in chronological order, and contains the necessary elements on an official transcript (courses, grades by semester, overall GPA, major, etc.). If you are a transfer student or have grades from other schools you would like represented, you will need to obtain a transcript from those previous institutions and upload.

Affiliation letters (study/research grants): The affiliation letter is from the institution/individual in the host country with whom you are proposing to work. It should be written in or translated to English, printed on official letterhead and signed by the author. If an English translation is provided, both the original letter and the translation should be uploaded. Letters should include the author’s position title, indicate the author’s willingness to work with you on the intended project, should speak to the feasibility and validity and merits of what is being proposed. The letter should also indicate any additional resources or contacts that the adviser can provide to support the work. Letters will vary, but the strongest letters will address these points noted.

Recommendations and language evaluations: It’s courteous to give at least three weeks notice for these. You can certainly schedule the language evaluation to take place when you return to campus, but the evaluation needs to be submitted by our internal deadline. If recommenders have difficulty meeting the internal deadline, please contact us to discuss. You want to choose recommenders who know you and are best suited to comment on your proposed research or ETA grant application.

Fulbright has a great Application Tips section on the website and make sure to follow any special instructions on the specific country page.

Fulbright webinars and tutorials: are ongoing this summer. Check out http://us.fulbrightonline.org/about/videos-tutorialsand http://us.fulbrightonline.org/applicants/information-sessions  (click on webinars to see schedule).

Fulbright online application: Start your online application through this section http://us.fulbrightonline.org/applicants .

CUR Workshop for Students about the Graduate School Application Process

CUR Conversations: Preparing for the Graduate School Application Process: A Beginning
July 21, 2021  2:00-3:00PM ET–Sign up using the link above

Students will gain insights into what to expect in graduate school, how to best search for graduate programs, and the application process. The session will include practical tips for preparing multiple applications, approaching faculty for letters of recommendation, and funding graduate education.  (CUR is the Council on Undergraduate Research https://www.cur.org/ )