Tag Archives: internships

Thanks, Middlebury!

By committing to Middlebury College, we, the students, have decided that this institution was the place where we’d trade in $200k+ and 4 years of our lives in exchange of its stellar undergrad experience. Sure, we all expected to take ECON105 and maybe discover a new passion for History of Africa, or even take part in a theater production but personally speaking, I think I have grown exponentially during my time at Middlebury far beyond the academic setting.

People have referred to our campus as a ‘country club’ in its remarkable facilities and general easygoing atmosphere. I won’t deny that we attend an institution that runs like butter but I think sometimes the  tangible aspects get in the way of realizing the little things. So I will take a stroll down memory lane of all the things I am thankful for as an attribute to my favorite holiday, Thanksgiving.

1. Perks of traveling abroad as a Midd student. 
a)I was never afraid to travel alone because I knew that if I ever got lost, I would have contact information of someone who can help me. I cried tears of joy when my friends came to my rescue when I was lost in Gare du Nord with severely limited French comprehension skills.
b) I literally ran into a Midd student when I went to visit Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland. Talk about a total coincidence!
c) I was able to receive personal recommendations from students studying in various parts of the world while planning out trips.

2.  Meaningful internships
I’ve had the opportunity to spend time in Costa Rica by partaking in an arts/literacy program in San Jose, Costa Rica during my sophomore year J-Term. Funding to participate in this program was available by the Middlebury Arts Council, who provided a generous stipend to help cover traveling and living costs.

This past summer, I secured an internship through the Career Services Office and I spent time in Louisville, Kentucky as a summer school teacher for at-risk youth. It was probably the hardest I’ve worked and boy, did it make me appreciate my teachers a whole lot more, but the outcome was well worth my efforts.

3. Good school-sponsored activities
Middlebury is the farthest thing from identifying as a metropolitan city. The school realizes this and makes a strenuous effort to ensure that students are entertained. There are numerous guest lecturers, LNDPs (late night dance parties, duh), small and large venue concerts (can we bring Kid Cudi back please?), comedians (Judah Friedlander, you are the MAN)—-and these are only activities that are sponsored by MCAB! Each campus organization is given a budget to have fun and events are open to the entire Middlebury campus. I love that I don’t have to make a huge effort to figure out what I’m doing this weekend; I can just open up my email and see what all is happening.

4. (lack of) meal plan
I am extremely thankful that this institution does not make me pay for every food item that I consume on a daily basis. We also do not have a swiping system and it makes this place feel more like home, as I can walk into all three dining halls and eat as much as I want. Already looking forward to the next Breakfast for Dinner!

5. School spirit
I love walking around campus and seeing everyone displaying their Midd apparel. Even more so, I enjoy seeing them off campus.
Midd hockey opened up its season last night against Colby and I must say, I have never been prouder to be sitting in the Student Section with my best friends cheering for our boys. (special shout out to PRESCOTT HOUSE)

Education in Action

This semester Education has definitely been on my mind.

One of my favorite courses this semester is Education in America with Professor Tara Affolter. Over the past few weeks we have been exploring topics in education and democracy, social justice, and re-examining the role of a teacher in affirming the identities and experiences of their students. This course is encouraging me to challenge my perception of “education” and find solutions to promote change in our current education system. Needless to say… I’m obsessed.

In addition, as a part of my dual identity at Middlebury, I also work at the Career Services Office (CSO). A resident in the Adirondack House, the CSO has now been grouped with the Alliance for Civic Engagement (ACE), and the Office of Health Professions and Fellowships to create the Center for Education in Action.

All of these offices hold some of the colleges best resources for students. Counselors are always available to meet with students. For example, the CSO offers Open Drop-In hours everyday from 2-5pm for students to meet with a Career Counselor and get advice on cover letters, resumes, or overall career/ internship direction.  In addition, online resources such as MiddNet and MOJO help students search for job and internship opportunities through a huge network of Midd alums that are excited to talk with current students about their career options after Middlebury.

From helping students find jobs and internships to promoting local volunteer and service work, this office ensures that Middlebury students are engaging their academic knowledge outside the classroom. It is truly “Education in Action”.