NOTE: This is a work in progress. We welcome your comments!
Overview of Curricular Platforms
Course hub: starting point for all course sites
Moodle: resources and activities
WordPress: posts and pages
Creating a Course Site
- course site formats (weekly vs topics)
- show gradebook to students
- show activity reports
- assigning roles and switching roles
Anatomy of a Moodle Site
- toggle between view and edit mode
- add a resource
- add an activity
- add a block
- UI/links for edting, reordering and deleting
- UI/links for visibility and group modes
- Switch role to… options
File Management
- Add a resource > Link to a file or website
- Add a resource > Display a directory
- Uploading zip files
Assignment Submission
- Add an Activity > Assignments > Advanced uploading of files
- Assignments module settings
- Assignment submission workflow
- Assignment review and grading workflow
- forum types
- subscription options
- tracking
- grading
- group mode
- grader report
- user report
- grade categories, items and aggregation
Moodle + WordPress
- Linking to a WordPress Site
- Including WordPress RSS feed in Moodle
- Assignments
- Moodle for assignments submitted to instructor
- WordPress for peer review assignments
Moodle Resource Sites
- Moodle > Moodle Resources
- LIS Wiki > Moodle