Tag Archives: usage

Education Studies: Student ePortfolios

Members of the Curricular Technology met with faculty in the Education Studies program to discuss their technology needs, particularly those related to student portfolios. Many students in the Education Studies program create electronic portfolios that document their experience as teachers.

The Vermont Department of Education has licensure portfolio specifications for what kinds of “entries” should be included in these portfolios and how these entries should be organized.   Because these portfolios contain descriptions of actual teaching episodes and student case studies, access control is critical.  Critical too, is role-based authorizations that enable Education Studies faculty to collaborate with students in refining portfolios.  Since these portfolios are used by students who are seeking licensure, it is critical that students be able to continue to have access to these portfolios for a number of years after they graduate.

The Education Studies program has used Segue as the platform for creating these portfolios.  This spring, they piloted WordPress as an alternative platform.  Some faculty have also used Google Sites and found that this platform may also have the features necessary for these portfolios.

Usage Analysis: Audio Capture

A number of programs of study make use of technologies for recording audio.  Some faculty have recorded their lectures, others  have recorded class discussions.  Language faculty have recorded samples of the language they are teaching for students to listen to and reproduce in their own recordings or have required students to record themselves reading words, phrases or passages from various texts.  Some faculty teaching writing courses have asked their students to record themselves reading their own writing.  Finally faculty in various departments have had their students produce podcasts.  For more details, see:

Curricular Technology Usage Analysis » Audio Capture

We invited others to send us more examples of the use of audio capture at Middlebury or comment on any of the case studies included in this usage analysis.  We also invite anyone in the Middlebury community interested in or knowledgeable about this topic to participate in our focus group sessions later this month.

Technology Usage Analysis

To help us understand the functional requirement of platforms and applications that will be needed in the future including those that will replace Segue, we have started to do some curricular technology usage analyzes.

The first usage analysis we have done is an overview of Segue usage.  Over 5000 sites have been created in Segue since it was introduced in 2003 at Middlebury.  Over 12,000 individuals have created Segue user accounts.  About a third of the sites  created in Segue have been for courses, another 30-40% have been for personal sites and the remaining have been for “custom” sites which could include department and area sites or curricular resource sites.

For more details, see: Segue Usage Analysis