Collaboration with Professor Catharine Wright
Course Description
In this course we will study writing across academic divisions. We will begin with the art of creative non-fiction to explore issues of story, voice and structure. We will then turn to the humanities to practice close reading and writing as academic argument. We will critique social science articles, apply social theory to the material world, and conduct independent research. Working with Movement Matters artist-in-residence Maree ReMalia, we will explore the body and writing. The course is designed to complement the first year seminar, so writing assignments will not exceed 5-6 pages, with an emphasis on intellectual inquiry, writing process, and genre. Writing workshops and individual meetings with the instructor are part of the curriculum.
Movement Matters is partnering with this course in bringing physicalization to select explorations as a layer for considering phenomenology and perspective and noticing where there are crossovers in sensing rhythm in sentence structure and movement phrases.