Considering a Winter Term internship? Here are some dates and information you’ll need.

  • Many Winter Term internships posted in Handshake have application due dates of November 1. Search Handshake for “Winter Term.”
  • Or find your own internship. CCI can help.
  • See a CCI Peer Career Advisor to have your resume approved.
  • Once you have secured your internship, you must apply for credit. Find all the information you’ll need (including a timeline and checklist and FAQs) at go/WTinternships.
  • If you are planning to do an internship but haven’t had it approved by CCI and the Curriculum Committee before Winter Term registration, register for a placeholder class.
  • Last deadline to submit your application for credit is December 1, but CCI recommends that you have all of your plans in place and apply by mid-November as there are many steps involved.
  • For help, make an appointment through Handshake with the advisor that matches the career path interest of your internship or make an appointment with Cheryl Whitney Lower for general internship advising.
  • Additional questions? See FAQs at go/WTinternships or contact Cheryl Whitney Lower.