The Center for Community Engagement is seeking a 2018-2019 AmeriCorps VISTA member to join our team and we would love if you could share this announcement with your networks including graduating college seniors, recent alumni, or other individuals who might be interested in spending a year of service to work with college students and local youth!

Do you love working with and for kids?  Interested in social justice work at the youth development level? Come join the Middlebury College Center for Community Engagement (CCE) as a Vermont Youth Tomorrow AmeriCorps VISTA member in Middlebury, Vermont! This VISTA supports youth and mentoring programs advised by the CCE by offering guidance on best practices to groups, deepening relationships with community partners, providing volunteer screening and support, and more!
We seek a motivated and compassionate individual for a one-year position beginning August 2018 to work closely with the CCE team and help coordinate eight youth and mentoring programs advised by our office. More information here. Feel free to contact CCE Program Director Ashley Laux, with any questions.