1. Treat your internship like an interview for a future job – Many organizations that offer internships also offer job opportunities, thus, it is always important to make a lasting impression. If you are an exceptional intern, it is much more likely that the company would consider creating a position on their team for you! Internship supervisors often also serve as great references when applying to future internships and employment positions. Consequently, make sure to dress your best, stay on top of deadlines, and go above and beyond to demonstrate your work ethic!
  2. At the same time, think of your internship as a possible future job – While interns and employees often have different responsibilities in the workplace, this summer can still be enlightening in determining your future. It will allow you to understand more about what role you naturally take on in a team setting and therefore, what kind of company or organization you would like to be a part of. It can also provide you with insight on what type of job you would like to have, for example do you prefer office work or a more hands-on work environment? Advice from mentors and our CCI advisors is always extremely helpful, however, personal experience is usually the best form of knowing which career path to choose. 
  3. Take initiative – If you’ve finished a project you were assigned to, it may be tempting to sit back and relax but try to fight this urge. It will make you a memorable and dependable intern if you show that you are motivated to have more responsibility. Another aspect to taking initiative is sharing any ideas for improvement that you may have. Don’t be afraid to speak up! Your employer will likely see this as you wanting to get more involved in the organization, which if that is the case, it would help you in obtaining an employment offer or furthering your relationship with the employer.  But if you are also feeling overwhelmed, don’t be afraid to be your own advocate and ask for extra time or assistance.
  4. Ask questions – Asking questions will not only make you look more connected to the company, but it is also the best way to get the most out of your internship. Don’t ask questions just to ask them though, make sure that you are asking questions that are of use. By doing so, you express your interest in the work you are doing and the company itself. Being curious will also make you learn more than you would have if you did not become further involved.
  5. Keep an open mind – If you are asked to complete a project or give a presentation, do not automatically turn down the offer because you do not have experience doing so. Take this as an opportunity to learn! You will get the most out of your internship if you get out of your comfort zone and attempt to develop new skills! Being accommodating is an extremely important tool in overcoming obstacles in everyday life so make sure to practice this in your internship as well!
  6. Set goals for yourself – Take some time to think about which skills you already have and which you would like to develop. Internships are one of the best places to learn more about yourself and about your abilities. Given the length of summer internships, stay organized by making weekly goals for yourself. When you think of these goals, do not keep them broad, make certain that they are measurable to keep you on track. For example, rather than simply wanting to increase followers for a social media managing internship, plan to increase the number of followers on the account by 50 every week. Whatever the goal is, make sure to try and quantify it!
  7. Network – Meet as many people as you can! The more you get to know the individuals you are working alongside with, the more they will know you and be more likely to make professional connections on your behalf. Oftentimes a reputable spokesperson is a major determining factor in whether a future organization will choose to offer a position to you versus another candidate. It is possible that one of the many people you meet will be your future employer or your key into graduate school someday, so always put your best foot forward! 
  8. Try to keep a balanced summer – While having an internship over the summer often does not leave you with a lot of time to do much of anything else, always remember to take breaks and enjoy your summer! Take in the beautiful weather, spend time with friends and family, make sure to de-stress! It will be hard to not worry about all that you have to do but remember that you have been extremely productive and reward your hard work from time to time!
  9. Be proud about all that you accomplished! A summer internship is oftentimes much longer than internships offered in the winter, meaning that you are going to dedicate a great deal of time on projects and learning many different skills. As students we tend to downplay our achievements and all that we were responsible for during internships. It may feel pretentious to do so, but make sure to communicate all that you did on your future resumes and cover letters! You spent an entire summer developing your ability to accomplish certain tasks and you should be proud to show this off!
  10. Maintain contact – The most important tip to networking properly is to make certain that you continue contact after the initial introduction is made. A company may not necessarily remember an individual intern simply because they interned for a summer, therefore, it is important to stay in touch. The best letters of recommendation are those in which the individual writing them truly knows the applicant. In order to do this, make sure to reach out at least once or twice a year to maintain these ties and keep your network updated.

The author of this article, Cindy Cardona ’22, is a Biology major and Sociology minor who will be attending veterinary school after graduation. Cindy is a Peer Career Advisor at the Center for Careers and Internships.